UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

Just out of curiosity, jashbela, when did you send your application in?

all the interviews are not sent. I think they have around 10-20% more apps to go through.

each class begins with about 100-120 students, and about 25% are out of state.

but honestly, the numbers are more complicated in that some people who are out of state find a way to apply as in state, and some out of state become in state in the admissions process, etc etc. also, as with any college, umkc will accept an amount of people, but only certain ones will accept the acceptance, and others have conditional acceptance (meaning their acceptance depends on whether the pass certain courses over the summer)

skp,i sent mine on dec.1st.i hope i get one.

Dec 1st? The deadline was the 15th of the previous month…

jashbela, now I’m not attending UMKC, nor am I their staff but I have heard that the deadline wasn’t meant to be flexible…however don’t give up hope. Why don’t you call and ask someone?

As for anyone else, they are still going through the applications…don’t give up just yet!

may be i sent it on time.i dont remember,i am loosing my mind.i called they said they had my app.would they tell me if i was late?

i called today,they said if you are rejected will notify by mail by end of jan,otherwise will notify by email about i guess they are done with all the apps.i am so_ _ _ _ _ _

Are you guys going to attend the Volker campus tour?

I got a tour when I visited before, but I might stay for it.

maybe for a while…becuz i have a plane to catch

I’m going for the tour

hehehe good luck, tiptop. Have fun :smiley: is anyone on here going on feb. 20?

anyone goin feb 15th??
btw, whats the deal with the calculator??

i just got my interview email today

yea, are graphing calculators allowed?

can somene sell this program to me?
I got an interview but i’m not sure i want to bother flying out…

hey sam what was your ACT score and class rank???

Supersam: here’s a quick list of pros and cons; i’m a year 3 in the program

you’ll graduate with a BA and an MD in 6 years
no MCAT required
you’ll get to see patients/have clinical exposure starting from your 1st or 2nd week of school
you’ll round with your docent team of 10 classmates, headed by a docent doctor that will also act as a teacher and mentor to you (and later, you will switch to a docent team with students older than you that can teach/advise you, and with younger students for you to offer advice)
by your 3rd year, you’ll be assigned your own office and given clinic responsibilities

not your typical college experience (you’ll spend lots of time studying, and will have less time to party and what-not)
year-round school, few breaks
very intense & challenging program (my first semester i was taking 22 credits, each semester is more difficult than the next)
kansas city is not the most exciting or safe location
this program is not for everyone (i think the drop-out rate for the first 2 years is 20%)
very expensive for OOS (try to apply for non-resident taxpayer scholarhip!)

Years ago this program used to be 90% for Missouri residents. Now they take a lot more OOS students since they can get double tuition. Not as fair to the local applicants as it used to be.