UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

thanks alot CookieFairy05! you’re input really helped

Isn’t there a site that helps prepare somewhat for the Toledo Chemsitry exam

I’ve heard not to worry too much about the chem exam. Supposedly,one year of chem should prepare you for that. I’m so glad someone just got their interview. I’m still waiting for mine…

me too,i know u dont want me to worry!but wait together!

i cant remember if i sent my ACT but i didnt do great on em, rank 4/265

my act is good.sat ok and class rank no so ok but because i messed up 9th,now my gpa is 4.8 last 2 sem and before 4.6 or something.that is good news but they didnt look at it i guess

jashbela, I don’t think they are done notifying people yet…so as long as you met the minimum requirements you still have a chance, and if you surpassed them in multiple areas, you have an even greater chance.

Is there anyone else who didn’t get the “more information” that they said they’d send for the interviews? I’m OOS and I want to have an idea of what’s going on before I hop on an airplane.

red 90-- i’ll be there February 20th

kylek044: Hey this happended to me too. I just called them and they told me they will send me another email. They are really nice too so don’t worry.

thanx pinksquirrels makes me feel better.

did anyone get asked the question, “what would you do if you saw someone cheating on a test?” What did you guys say?

What exactly does the written test comprise of? It’s on the schedule and i’m nervous about this.

another question, about how long does the interview take for each applicant? How long per interviewer?

Can someone tell me what the demographic breakdown is? Is it true that there is a really large minority representation?

sort of. i’ve heard about half white, half minorities. URMs aren’t really represented all that much but ORM are truly “overrepresented” in the program. (if there is such a thing as an ORM…)

White males are definitely in the minority, both in state and out of state.

sorry, but what are ORM and URM?

Under represented and over represented minorities

any more news about interviews?i didnt get mine yet.

I haven’t gotten mine yet either, but I called today and she said they are still reviewing the applications. She said we should know in about a week.