UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

thanx a lot,makes me feel good.If we dont hear i’ll take a turn and call and post here!

does anybody know what the written portion is comprised of?

rolen85: we have a large proportion of south asians

Written portion of what? Interview?

The written part is confidential and interviewees are not supposed to discuss it.

I’m just going to throw this out there though…don’t worry about it. Trust me.

i have already had my interview too… trust addnon. the written part is nothing to worry about.

How did you guys do on your interviews?

I’m pretty sure they wouldn’t know yet. I mean, obviously they could have a feeling, but not much more.

Well, they’d know if the interviewers were impressed or if they screwed up, or if the chem test was really easy, etc.

has anyone gotten any random interviewing questions so far?

i thought my interview went well. it’s not that bad if you have good social skills and have interviewed jobs, etc. before.

im exicted!

just out of curiosity, how much did you guys prefer for the interview? Also, how hard is the reading test?

trust me, i have also had my interview. Both the chemistry and reading tests are very simple, you just need one year chemistry to do it. As for the written portion, listen to addnon, it’s nothing to worry about. Just relax and don’t stress out.

Are they even giving out interviews anymore? I know someone posted that rejection letters come at the end of January, so have those been sent out? This uncertainty is irritating.

They said they were interviewing 288 people this year.

So out of 288, how many of us poor unfortunate souls are going to get cut? More then half, right?

Yeah they have to pick 100 students give or take due to regulations.

But i though that they talk about half of the people they interviewed

That was probably true in past years, but Kelly also mentioned that they have been interviewing more people than ever.