UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

i think they’re cutting on the # of admissions b/c of my class (2013/first years). we’re 120ish students as of now and i don’t think that many ppl will be extending or dropping out from here on out (even if we are taking orgo this semester). apparently, and this is what everybody keeps on telling us, once we get to hospital hill (= 3rd yr), the class size is usually 100 or less. this is important b/c apparently they don’t have seating for more than 100 students or so. 2nd year class as of now is about 83 people so you can see that there is definitely a problem with the number of students. i guess too many of us accepted agreed to go here. anywhoo, don’t worry about the cut, seriously, if ur meant for this program (which they’re a pretty good judge of), u’ll get here and u’ll love it. just sit back and relax. you still have about what, 3 months before u hear anything? oh yeah, they interviewed the same amt of kids last year but i think 160 of us in total were accepted. think about this, no more than 40 kids turned down the offer of acceptance. that’s pretty high…

any other q’s (esp about 1st yr med or senior year hs?)

Hey, do you know how many out of state students get accepted?

oops wrong post

Is there any chance of interview notices still coming?

BUMP any more interview notices?

when i went to my interview a few days ago, they told me that they are interviewing 270 people and are going to accept 100 to 110 students.

I got the same numbers as coldg44 when I just interviewed.

the drop out rate is awfully high for this program…

OOS is about 40% in my class…

babanana: I read that you were waitlisted and you reapplied. I’m doing the same thing, I waitlisted last year and now i’m re applying this year. Was your interview different from the first time? Did they ask you questions like why you were applying again? Also, do you have a rough idea how many of the waitlisted kids do end up reapplying and about how many get in? Thanks

good luck to the ppl who get in 6 years is ****ing crazy

its awesome is what it is, haha! no MCAT, AND we get to see patients so early and so often–i’m so grateful to have at least a weekly reminder of why I’m here, and why medicine/health care is my passion

cookiefairy,i still dont have an interview,i called no one answered and i dont fell like calling again.i dont want to annoy them.

about how many people get in that don’t take physics?

skp,chaz90 did u get interviews?i am so nervous about not knowing.

I didn’t get one, jashbela. They might at least have the courtesy to send a rejection letter, but I didn’t get one of those either.

i hope no rejection.i so want to be doctor.i am happy for people got intervires but some of them have like alredy 5 and i know one will not commit there so i would be ready.i hope i get one.

jashbela: i’m not sure what to tell you other than remind you that didn’t people say umkc som offers interviews through march?

those of you who are OOS and interested in applying for the “Nonresident Taxpayer Scholarship,” go here: <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

pinksquirrels: physics is not requires for admission into umkc som…all you need are three units of science, including one unit of biology and one unit of chemistry. and we don’t even takes a physics course as part of our curriculum (i have classmates who took it because they wanted their bachelors is something other than a BLA, but its definitely not required)

hey cookie fairy
what classes do you take your first years that could be eliminated by taking aps?

and thx for the scholarship link.

How much money does the “Nonresident Taxpayer Scholarship” actually cover?

jashbela: No interview yet. I left a message again but I didn’t get a reply.

Cookiefairy: I really, really hope they offer interviews until March, but when I talked to Ms. Morgenegg she said we should get one by this week if it’s coming at all.