UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

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i guess im wondering what classes do you take the first two years? i coudltn find a link for that.

thx for the link anyways

chaz90: Nonresident Taxpayer Scholarship covers the difference between IS and OOS tuition

gandhiboy: i think you can AP out of chemistry, english, history, government. You need credits for your BLA, so you could also AP out of psychology, spanish, etc.---- ap bio and ap calc are essentially useless credit-wise.

the classes you may take the first years include: chem 1 & 2, orgo chem, anatomy, microbiology, cell biology, english 1 & 2, sociology 1 & 2. i think one of the year 1s wrote more about this in detail earlier in this thread…

hope that answers your question

when you go to your interview they’ll give you a big packet. i think that one of the things in there talked about the curriculum and all the classes you’ll be required to take.

I still have not gotten my interview notice yet. Will they still be avaliable in March. Is this due to my application being turned in late? I turned in my app on Nov. 14 and my other papers weren’t in until like 12/03. My stats are all above what is required by UMKC. I’ve taken 7 science classes in HS, all three AP Sciences etc.

Those of us who interviewed were told that we’d get a decision in early March.

so i guess this yr its early and we r not gonna get it prob,no prob

Did you apply anywhere else for the med program, jashbela? I feel really bad for you, because you really seem particular to the program. What other colleges did you apply to? If you’re that sure you’re going to be rejected, just try to forget UMKC and concentrate on where else you can go.

could those who got an interview post their stats please? Also, congrats to all of you who did…

And any chance someone wants to “chance” these stats?..application in on time, OOS with a 4.4 gpa, 34 ACT, great letters of rec&essay, good EC’s (including physician shadowing)[though a 5 on the ap exams in calc, lang, bio, apush and a 4 on psych…] [no physics, though as they said, its not a requirement]

i applied gw undergrad,case, into pitt and case my no where but couple 6yrs.i am so ready and commited to be dr but i believe in destiny and karma.i’ll land where i m suppose to.also cc friends on umkc forum are the nicest like u.thx

coldg44–How is possible that you interviewed a few days before Jan 29 when the first interview date if Feb 4? Are you talking about the 6 year BA/MD program? If so, are there 2 rounds of interviews?

I think you are mistaken - the first interview day was not February 4th. There are 18 rounds of interviews.

sparkles, i think u got the email with the second rounds. i interviewed in late jan as well.

pinksquirrels: ur stats r really good. ur stats are better than mine and i got an interview. but no one can gurantee u will get an interview since the process seems really really random. hopefully that helps

Pinksquirrels was actually talking about me. Thanks for all your help guys. I actually got a rejection notification today though. Nothing I can do I guess. Anyway, good luck to all of you interviewing.

sorry chaz90 really.i wish they would explain how they decide.i didnt get rejection yet but i feel it!!!

Would it be bad if you sent in ur app the day before? They recieved my app the day before, but my other things a few days later. Would this delay my interview.

Also chaz90 were all your stats above the requirements?

ya i think he said 35 act all 5 aps.

GandhiBoy–thanks for the info…btw are you an in-state applicant? what kinds of questions did they ask you at the interview? was the chem test hard? thanks for your help=)

GandhiBoy-thanks for the info…btw are you an in-state applicant? what kinds of questions did they ask you at the interview? was the chem test hard? how many people are interviewed total and how many seats are available? thanks for all of the help=)

I got a 34 ACT, 4.4 weighted, 3.8 UW, Eagle Scout, Lifeguard/Swim Teacher, Camp Counselor, Forensics Judge, Hospital Volunteer, Reading Tutor, NHS, German National Honor Society and leadership positions in Boy Scouts.

Junior Schedule:
AP Calc AB- B/B 4 on AP Exam
AP Bio- A/A 5 on AP Exam
AP Lang-A/A 5 on AP Exam
AP U.S History-A/A 5 on AP Exam
AP Psych- A/A 4 on AP Exam
Lifeguarding/Scuba Diving- A/A
Advanced Jazz Band-A/A

Senior Schedule:
AP Chem- B
AP Lit-A
AP Stats- A
AP Euro. History- A
AP U.S Government- A
Microbiology- A
Advanced Jazz Band- A

I also did a program for credit Senior year in which I went to the ER every Monday night for 4-7 hours and watched surgeries and other random procedures.

I’m not going to lie, I really expected an interview. Good luck to everyone interviewing and at the program if you attend.

I was an OOS applicant with app. in mid October.