UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

does anyone know when they will mail the decision letter? Is it April 1st?

I had my interview on Monday, Mary Anne Morgenegg said that decisions will be mailed and e-mailed on April 1st. This is so nerve racking. I hate the waiting.

How was the interview?

I’m not too sure how the interview with the M.D. was, my interview with the Ph.D. went really well. I loved the school and I think I did well on the chemistry exam. I know that if I am accepted to this program I will attend because of the way it works. The students, as well as everyone else in the city, were very friendly. I’m really hoping to get accepted, and the wait is going to be torture.

yeah…the same…this wait has got to be the worst part of the process.

Wow, I am totally freaking out about this admission. (Melody, I bothered you on AIM back in like November. You were so helpful then just like you are now - you’re an admissions angel. Thanks again.)

I live in California (but I think my file has me as instate because my dad lives there) and I was visiting over Christmas break so I called Mary Anne dozens of times from like September through November and she never seemed to get annoyed. I was able to schedule a special early interview on like the 21st of December. There was one other person there that day. I was very nervous about the Toledo exam because I hadn’t taken chemistry in a while. I did buy a little review book and I read it like mad for the preceding days. (I would be totally willing to give up my trip to Australia to take the Chemistry class over the summer, but I am at a loss as to where I would be living then).

Both of my interviews went very well (even the one with the Dean of Admissions, the MD.). They told me that I’d have it really hard because of the extra long wait. I’m so glad that I found this site and I know that I’ll be hearing on April first via e-mail. I’m getting other acceptance letters now but everyday I’ve been like leaving my ear at the door to listen for mail. Now at least I know when judgment day is.

I just want to get into this program so badly. It is absolutely perfect for me and I knew that without any doubts the first day that I got the little pamphlet about it. Best of luck to everyone else waiting for either their interviews or April 1st.

I’ll be checking up on this thread often. Hopefully I’ll get the chance to get to know some of you come next fall. :slight_smile:

Haha… you guys never bother me… the idea of that is ridiculous!

Anyway… you all have to go through a long, torturous wait… but I, however, have SPRING BREAK!!! :smiley: Whoa… that so just rhymed… :slight_smile:

Hang in there… the last couple months of senior year make up for the unmercifully slow and painful process that is snail mail!

Shouldn’t prom be coming up soon? Why don’t you guys go party??? :slight_smile:

:smiley: I saw you come online a few minutes ago but I assumed you were asleep (it’s late there!!). My senior year is just totally going so slow, all of it. My classes have actually begun to go faster now in second semester. Spring break is in like two weeks for me but it’s only a week long break. My school schedule is really lame. We don’t have anything at all in April. Our prom is June 4th, JUNE FOURTH. That is insanely late!

I know how you feel about school going faster, but the rest of life going really slow. I can’t wait until April 1st, it’s driving me crazy. I’m with you in that I know I want to go to this program as it fits me perfectly. I’m starting to get acceptances now too, but it seems like they don’t matter as much as this program, this seems to be THE acceptance to get. I have a feeling I’ll be driving everyone crazy through the month of March. I hope everyone on this board gets in, everyone seems like such great applicants.

i have a question: if we need to take the chemistry class in the summer, do we have to take it at umkc or can we take it at home and transfer it?

I’m pretty sure you have to take it there. That’s why I was wondering where I’d live if I had to do that. (I do remember asking them and them saying that it had to be their class but who really knows.)

Hi Melodious. I just recently got a call back for an interview, and while, I was reading the previous posts, I noticed a few references to certain questions to practice before the interview. What are these questions?

Does anyone know what AP exams will be accepted for the BS/MD program…

Like if I take Chemistry, and Biology…will I get any credit?

Yes. The Medical School will accept up to 30 credits. Here are the equivalents:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

Remember that the credit you get for a certain test (ie. AP BIO) may not be a required course in the med program and as such does you no good.
A sample course schedule is here:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

Melodious must be away. I got the impression that some of the other applicants had knowledge of questions beforehand. Is there some sort of list of questions that I am not aware of. My interview is in a couple of days.

I didn’t have any idea of what my questions would be. I came up with my answers as I was asked the questions. I doubt they want rehearsed answers anyway.

The medical student who gave the tour actually told us to completely forget any rehearsed answers. There is a website that has reviews of the interviews at UMKC. It doesn’t have all the questions, but it does have impressions, you may want to check that out, but don’t worry too much about rehearsing for the interview.

hey akshar, could you tell us a little bit more about the course schedule. Even after everything, i’m still confused about it. are more classes included to satisfy the BS in years 1 and 2 than what the sample shows?

Here is a sample schedule for the first two years:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

If you go the BLA route, then what the sample schedule shows covers all the bases. That can be your schedule if you want it to be, at least that is what I have come to understand.

Some changes do occur. For example, if you have AP credit for:
CHEM 211 General Chemistry 1

CHEM 211L Exp Gen Chem I Lab

CHEM 212 General Chemistry II

CHEM 212L Exp Gen Chem II Lab

Then you take:
CHEM 320 Elem Organic Chem

CHEM 320L Elem Organ Chem Lab

The BS/MD or BA/MD route is hardly ever taken as it is more difficult than the BLA/MD route. If you don’t want to go the BLA/MD route (ie. the sample schedule) then you would have to take addtional courses, above and beyond those listed in the sample.

Yes I am <em>away</em>… finishing the da vinci code, playing the Sims 2 like mad, and totally ignoring you guys… anyway… :smiley:

I didn’t mean rehearsed answers as in write down what you are going to say and memorize it. :slight_smile: But you should practice thinking on your feet. You KNOW they are going to ask you “Why do you want to be a doctor?” so know how you will answer it beyond “I want to help people” and then saying “um” a lot. :slight_smile: Plus, there are many different interviewers and thus many different interview styles. One of my interviewers asked me some questions that I might have gotten stuck on had I not thought about my answers beforehand (at the time I wanted to be an OB/GYN, so we talked a lot about malpractice reform and universal healthcare which somehow lead into a discussion of the addis ababa fistula hospital… probably just the consequences of my rambling though :))

You don’t have to take chem I at UMKC, I didn’t… just make sure that is transfers. The down side to this is that it won’t count on your GPA if it’s not from a U of MO school… I was fine during Chem II at UMKC, but a lot of people had problems with it, so don’t count on putting it off till fall semester simply for the GPA boost if you can take it during the summer some place else (like I said, college is not highschool… chem II is one of those wonderful classes where there are 200 people and < 20 A’s… yes my mom hung my report card on the fridge ;)).

If you have Chem I and II transferred in along with other key classes, getting a BS in biology is not much harder than a BLA… it just depends. But I would go for the BLA… it’s a lot of fun when 100 people are running around the halls like crazy at 3 am, 5 hours before the same exam… really. :slight_smile: The bio majors miss out because they are excused from some of the classes on that list and replace them with other things specific to their major.

That schedule you have there is a little outdated… Intro to Aging is only 1 semester now and does not go into year II anymore. It says Human Bio I and II, that is Anatomy and Microbiology respectively… You can get ouf of english 110 easilly with a 30 on the ACT english section…

And a little info on orgo… if you already have chem I and II out of the way, you don’t start with Orgo untill 2nd semester 1st year. You have to wait and take it with the people who had chem II first semester… at least that’s what we had to do…

Try very hard to get at least Chem I, History, Psychology 210, and Sociology 101 done before you come. If you do, you can take cool classes like photography, art, and arabic. Ah… more stuff to place on the ol’ fridge. :slight_smile:

They will explain all you need to know about AP tests and credit transfers in due time at one of the many meetings you will have over the summer. But honestly you guys should be more worried about finding prom dates and limos :slight_smile: