UMKC 6-year BS/MD Program

chaz90, did u already interview?

chaz90, i feel you definitely deserved an interview with your stats. i sure hope youll get into a great program. did they tell you why? because theyve called some folks with much less stats for interview. what was the date on your reject letter and how did you get it?. good good luck to you. when such colleges do not choose on merit it is not at all good for the future of medicine.

kayveelb: Thanks so much for your sympathy. The rejection letter came yesterday (February 2) and it came in a thin standard size envelope by regular mail.

Sparkles: I got rejected without an interview.

Don’t worry about it too much, everything happens for reason.

keep up your hopes. maybe this program is just not for you. if you applied to other ones, don’t let it worry you too much

hey guys!

I got an interview for feb. 29th. i would like to know what kind of questions they ask for the interview? also, i haven’t taken chemistry since sophomore year… how do you think i should prepare for the toledo exam? congratulations to all those ppl who got an interview!!

I just found out about my rejection. I was expecting it, though, I just realized my essay was full of trite cliches. Good luck to all of you who interviewed.

congratulations monica121. its a very easy test. just review basics and youll do well. are you in state or oos?.

sparkles- im out of state. if u look earlier on this thread, someone put down some questions that i was asked as well

as for the chem test, it really wasnt that easy. i thought it would be incredibly easy based off this site. i have to admit…the first half is simple. but when u get to the specific stuff at the end…i dont think i could have done it without have taking chem ap. i wouldnt be suprised if people didnt pass.

i have a question. do we need to send in midyear reports?

same question about mid year reports

I didn’t take AP chem (gen chem sophomore year), and I thought it was super easy. Just review a little bit - don’t go in blind.

i didnt want to post but might be helpful to people applying next yr,i was rejected few days back.dont feel bad for day when i’m practicing medicine we will laugh at this!

who was on the panel of interviewers?

Hey, quick question for the pundits on this forum. I have my UMKC interview in 2 days and i have yet to send my SAT II Bio and Chem scores, which are 780 and 800. Do you think i should rush them over ASAP or do you think it is too late?

A quick answer would be greatly appreciated.

UMKC told me subject scores were not necessary and not considered. Furthermore, academic stats and EC’s only get you as far as the interview. From what I hear, post interview, all candidates are judged only on their interview performance.
Good luck!

Does anyone know a better number to use than the one for Ms. Morgenegg? I’ve been calling that number fairly often and I’ve left a few messages without having them returned. I was rejected from the program (I suppose I’ve kind of accepted that) but I’m looking for a reason. I understand the admissions decision is holistic and subjective, but I would like to find out how to improve for other applications and programs.

Thank you Chaz 90 for your reply. Hopefully, it is.

Anyone else?

wow it’s been a long time since i’ve been on this site, brings a lot of memories back. i am in the 6 year program as well.

interview…a lot of people have said that the interview is some sort of equalizer and that once you reach that stage, what you have accomplished beforehand is of no consequence. perhaps it is true that they judge you on how you present yourself, but my interviewers talked a lot about my file, and i think it helped me get an edge past the interview stage.

additionally, be able to justify your activities. i was asked point blank why i was in an engineering club when there was a medical equivalent. some interviewers may ask you your views on moral issues such as abortion…while it is good to be able to justify your opinion, it is also good to try and figure out what the interviewer wants to hear. they are looking for good communication skills, and part of that is not offending the person deciding your fate. in my interview group, i think one very brilliant girl was rejected because she had no tact, so make sure you are smooth and diplomatic.

I think they are rejecting many people unfortunately b/c of numbers this year. Wow, I haven’t been on this site for a while. I just got off an microbiology exam and organic chemistry exam on Thursday. Anyways, my class (2013) had about 124 kids enter in the fall. We’ve had roughly 5 kids drop out. Supposedly there are several people who may have to extend (rumored about 30), but we also have about 20 kids from the class above us who have extended. Therefore, we’ve added about 20 kids to our class. Therefore, with the possibility of about 30 kids joining your class (2014), the council on selection is hesitant to accept too many kids this year. This is because when one enters spring semester of year 2 there is a course called human structure function that requires a 2.89ish science GPA. There are only 100 seats for this course. With people extending this limits the number of kids they can accept every year.
So, really show them everything you’ve got guys!!! Good luck!

Anyone know how many applicants there were this year?