UMN Class of 2025 — Regular Decision Release Date: By Mar 31

Thank you!

Thank you so much !!

waitlisted on the 5th

applied ea for psych, got defferred, and waitlisted in RD on the 5th

My daughter applied EA nursing, was deferred and then just learned she was waitlisted. She received an email last week asking if she’d like to switch her major to medical laboratory science, which she isn’t interested in doing. She has already committed elsewhere and this was the last decision she was waiting on so we’re ready to move forward now.



I’m waitlisted applied through common app. I haven’t gotten an email. I’ve been checking the portal and saw my result.

Received an email that there was an update in UMN’s application tracker. In the portal, you’ll see the link to the update at the top.

I got accepted EA from OOS and got pretty solid merit scholarship. The thing is I got better money from a comparable school and would like to present this to UMN to try to get more aid. Is this ever successful? Has anyone had any experience with this at UMN?

DId they email you? thanks


OK - this is so frustrating that it’s almost laughable… Once again, my daughter has received ONE single email from UMN other than an acknowledgement from them that her common application was received (back on October 31)… That was on 1/26 titled “Information Request: Update your Self-Reported Academic Record”… Of course, she immediately goes into her portal to see that an “update” to her application is dated 1/21 with her deferral notice… At this point, she was disappointed mostly with being deferred (understandably)…

Since then, crickets… no response from AO on receipt of SRAR, updated awards, and letter of continued interest…

So only after I check CC here and see a similar pattern/experience, I asked her to login to her portal to see if there is an update. Sure enough, there is an update dated MARCH 5… Mind you, she’s checked her portal almost daily since deferral back in January… there is absolutely NO WAY that update was put in there March 5…

Regardless of the decision, this is no way to “communicate” with your applicants. Fortunately, she has many wonderful offers and will NOT be going to UMN, but for the sake of those who are still waiting, for heaven’s sake please get your @#@$% together in admissions office…

Good luck to all

Still no email from them about application decision yet. :woman_shrugging: At least we have an answer from checking the portal

Identical experience for my D.

I got an email with my “estimated financial aid package”
In it, I only received my Pell Grant. Does this mean I got no merit or need-based scholarships?

We get emails every week, at least, sometimes a lot more often, from the U. I’m not sure why some applicants aren’t getting anything

kind of illustrates my point of frustration. Been crickets for my daughter, but know that her friend who applied to Carlson gets several directly from them, and some general university admissions ones. I think their marketing/comms team needs to back to school :slight_smile:

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Identical here also, we also received no emails, only checked the portal after seeing your post, and lo and behold there is a 3/5 update saying my son is waitlisted.
