UMN Class of 2025 — Regular Decision Release Date: By Mar 31

deferred today as well , didn’t get an email to update my grades though .

I can only assume that a request to update the SRAR for semester grades means a deferral. That was the only email my daughter got today, and subsequently went into the portal to check and saw the “View Update” under her application. Again, not the way I would have handled it, but whatever…

Ours dated 1/21 as well interesting

Does anyone know umn waitlist acceptance rate? Frankly I am tired of waiting for this school and i applied under nursing which is competitive.

Got deferred today.

Got deferred. Applied for business.

Did all EA student receive their acceptances? I applied EA 2 and still haven’t received any email regarding anything; I haven’t been accepted or deferred. It says I should be getting my results by Feb 15, but it seems like a lot of people here have already been getting results. I really really like this school and really want to go here. Congrats btw to everyone who got in so far!

For those still waiting, my boys applied for EA in October and both received their acceptances today.

Has anyone OOS heard about merit aid? Or any $ that is not need based?

No and my D21 was accepted on 12/12

Yes, my OOS daughter received their national scholarship at the end of Oct. She was accepted at end of Sept.

It isn’t the national merit scholarship, my daughter didn’t take the PSAT last year to qualify for that. UMN has an OOS scholarship they call the National Scholarship. She received notice a month after acceptance but she was on the really early end of things, accepted 9/28.

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Thank you! I just realized you mentioned that she was accepted end of Sept. hence I deleted my last post.

BTW, Congratulations!

My daughter applied end of Oct EA, accepted 11/17, received in the mail the full National scholarship right after Thanksgiving. She is very excited!

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@txmommaof4 , congratulations to you and your daughter.

@txmommaof4 or @vannevka would you mind sharing your kids stats. Here are my daughters 3.94 UW GPA, 26/763 Class rank (3.45%), 12 APs , National Merit Semifinalist, 4 years golf (twice region, once state), 4 years Orchestra (twice region), High school clubs, honor societies and leadership, research paper in review to be published soon, 1500 SAT (Only one sitting rest cancelled), Presidential medal for volunteering, AP Scholar with Distinction etc.

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3.96 UW GPA:
-OOS Homeschooled (took all classes via independent teachers/online academies)
-1 AP, 7 honors
-strong essays
-unique EC’s (crewed hot air balloons at the international Balloon Fiesta, 250+ volunteer hours)
-test optional
-published research paper on impact of cloning
-2 LOR’s
-first gen & biracial

Admitted EA 11/17 for Kinesiology

Thank you! Your daughter’s resume sure is impressive!

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@Momof0ne my daughter has 4.0UW/4.5W, all honors where available, 7 APs (that were focused on her areas of interest, i.e. she hates science so no science APs just to pad her resume).

No test scores.

Her app told a cohesive story as her ECs were deep into just 3 areas but mostly leadership in a time consuming community service org and a year-round sport. She was told her essay was excellent by those that reviewed it and she also completed the additional supplemental questions on the app as well.

I doubt demonstrated interest means much but she did have an email conversation with an admissions rep about her desired course of study and where that best fit at the U. She also did a virtual session that only had a handful of prospective students on it. This was all right before she sent in her application.

She goes to a small school in a fairly rural area in the mid-Atlantic so geography diversity could have helped.

And, honestly, I think the biggest thing in her favor was she applied in September as they look at apps on a rolling basis. So she had less competition.

Your daughter has a very impressive resume so I’d be surprised if she didn’t receive a good scholarship. The waiting is what is so painful.

Thank you, your daughter’s resume is quite impressive too.

In her school the AP teachers are very strict especially the AP/DC teachers, feels like they deflate the grades. I think only the top 3 to 5 kids have a perfect 4.0 unweighted average. The competition is so crazy, they go to the 5th decimal to finalize class ranks.

I know UMN is generous with merit scholarships, but was not sure what her chances are. I am not sure why but somehow she procrastinated on submitting the UMN application. So, I was not sure if she even had a chance at the scholarship or if we are too late in submitting the application (End of Dec.) and perhaps missed that train.

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