UM's merit aid for high stats kids!

<p>I'm so happy to have discovered Miami's rewards for high stats' kids!! (I discovered it only thru the Institution Merit Aid thread here on CC.) I just came across it a few hours ago and have been quickly reading through some of these threads. I just have to say WOW... I have some hope!</p>

<p>My D is a rising senior. She has a 35 ACT, 102 GPA, took 3 APs this year (will get scores in July), taking 4-6 APs next year (depending on how her schedule works out), all other core courses were honors and/or gifted. Will have had 7 maths credits (3 AP) when she graduates. She's attending a Summer Scholars Institute at Pace U in NYC this summer. Math Challenge Team District Winner (team), District Drama Rally First Place Winner (team), 3rd place winner Statewide Writing Contest (individual).</p>

<p>Her ECs include Officer of NHS/Beta Club, 4 years Talented Theatre, 3 years Dance Team, 2 years Band, 1 year choir. Peer Mentor, Girls State (this summer). She has participated in community theatre since she was 10, numerous productions. Lots of community volunteer hours. She's been studying dance since she was 3.</p>

<p>She wants to major in Musical Theatre and minor in Spanish, and is definitely interested in studying abroad.</p>

<p>I've been reading through the threads for Singer/Stamps winners. Are there limits on what the majors can be for either of these or any other merit aid awards? D is also considering while doing theatre, to get the prereqs necessary for admission to a PT program and possibly specialize in dance PT. </p>

<p>So am i correct that she should apply EA to have a better chance at Singer/Stamps? Should we visit over summer or Thanksgiving break?? </p>

<p>Miami's MT program is very well known, that is audition based, too. They are both long-shots but you gotta follow your dreams, right???</p>

<p>Thanks for any advice y'all can offer!! </p>

<p>Being from New Orleans, I've always HATED HURRICANES. But I might just have to start loving them, at least the orange and green kind!!</p>


The scholarships are not major-specfic.</p>


You have to apply EA to be considered for Singer/Stamps. RD isn’t considered. You can visit whenever you’d like, though I believe the earlier the better. I first visited the summer before my senior year, again for Stamps weekend in March, and then again for admitted students day in April. Loved it more each time.</p>

<p>I would definitely recommend applying early action. Miami does offer Singer opportunities for RD applicants, but Stamps has only been for early applicants in the past. My D is at Miami as a fortunate Stamps recipient, and I can’t speak highly enough of the benefits aside from the obvious monetary ones. Good luck to your daughter.</p>