Yes, if this year follows the previous 3 years trend, then decisions will come the day after the blog update/email. I don’t have any reason to believe they wouldn’t do the same thing this year, so I am expecting decisions to be released late afternoon, early evening tomorrow. @transferdog
Got it!! Does this mean for sure decisions tomorrow?
Not 100% for sure, but in the past 3 years, decisions came the day after the preliminary email that we just received. I believe that the same thing will happen this year and decisions will be out tomorrow.
Ok y’all I am SO nervous now
I bet it will be because they said all they know it’s it’s not today so probably tomorrow!!!
Same here. I’m hoping my 3.4 college GPA won’t be an auto reject, I only did one semester so I’m super anxious that the odds are stacked against me
I got the email!!
I got the email. I am so freakin nervous right now!!
@HSstudentNC DAMNNNN SON! You were right on the dime! Just got the email. Good luck to everyone for tomorrow!
Any idea what time they’ll be posted??
@butfirstcoffee We should get them between 3-5 pm tomorrow!
@electrobricks YAY! I will be at a theme park tomorrow taking my friend’s kids on a fun day for their spring break…so hopefully it’s good news, haha!
Is this all eastern time???
Decisions tend to be posted late afternoon, early evening. It was at 3 PM last year, 4PM in 2016, 2 PM in 2015 and 5 PM in 2014.
Yes, eastern daylight time. @transferdog
I’m actually shaking guys… I wish us all the best!! SO nervous and hope its good news all around! Trying really really hard to stay positive, but not get my hopes up at the same time (I did that last year and it didn’t turn out well)
Thank you! I just wanted to make sure. I don’t know how I’ll live through the next 24 hours.
Do any of you know when they release transfer stats?
Well, Ladies and gentlemen, I have been reading your post since January, and it has been an honor participating in this forum with you guys.
May the best applicants win.
Did anyone else get the email today?
Looking at past threads, it looks like they got a similar email the day before admissions were released. What do you guys think?