UNC-CH or UNCW nursing

Hi, So i am a rising senior and will be applying to college soon. I have always been a fan of Chapel Hill but I feel as if their nursing program will be way more competitive compared to UNCW and I also don’t want to take French 3 (you need at least 3 language classes for unf’s nursing program) and have a summer course during my nursing studies. But my parents will be devastated if I don’t go and I feel as if Chapel Hill is a top school and giving that seat up would be stupid. But I truly love UNCW’s curricula and the Spectrum for grade requirements are just right for me, I have a lot of anxiety so things like this worry me.

If i do get accepted into both these schools what would you Advise me to do (opinions, obvi. i will think about this with myself and family). I am also in-state (NC) and live only 20mins away from unc but 2hrs30min from UNCW.

Step 1: get into UNC. It’s getting harder every year. Also, French should not be the deciding factor. I took French at UNC and it was honestly not that hard.

yes! acceptance is the first step, just need to be prepared to at least decide b/w these two schools. I am also a big fan of Howard’s nursing program.

Apply to all direct entry nursing programs you can find. Look at the priority deadlines and apply to the Honors College/program if you qualify, too. Nursing is very competitive, so that applying to just 2 programs is just a recipe for disaster.
Once you’ve received admissions AND financial aid packages, the decision will be clearer - and don’t hesitate to post on this forum again.

oh i am for sure applying to more schools these are just my top schools. I also feel that i rather stay in state and there are not any direct programs here in NC other than Queens but the school isnt really that great.

Queens’ NCLEX pass score is 97% though. So… do include it it the NPC shows it’s affordable without parental loans. It’s likely a safety for you sine you’ve got a shot at UNC CH.
Look into more direct entry programs in order to increase your odds, even if they’re OOS. Before you add one to your list, look at the Net Price Calculator and if the merit scholarship criteria match your stats.