If we haven’t received an email or paper letter regarding scholarships and/or Excel Carolina is it most likely that we did not make it into these programs?
Hey guys, thought this may help - everyone seems to be confused.
I am an OOS student.
Received an invitation to both scholarship day and the honors program but NOT excel.
If that helps at all? I really don’t know.
I’m glad to have been admitted, but I can’t fathom 40-50K per year when UT is only 25K (in state).
I was really hoping for an invite to Scholarship Days, and I guess I wasted my time applying to Carolina. Sigh.
does anyone have midterm report due on the To-Do list? I have nothing due weirdly
Wow, i could have sworn decisions were due to come out on the 31st but checked and i am accepted! seems unreal, considering the low oos acceptance rate
stats: 2160 super scored sat, top 5% in competitive high school, first gen, asian
received excel email
Accepted oos (4.0 unweighted gpa, 35 act, lots of leadership and extracurriculars)! Yay! Would we have already gotten something about scholarships by now?
So has anyone received anything in the snail mail from unc?
no usps oos
nothing in the mail here yet either
Ok, just to clarify
- OOS students have received Honors Carolina and Scholarship Day invitations, but not Excel@Carolina
- IS students have received email for Excel, but nothing specifically for Honors Carolina or Scholarship Day
Are both of these points true?
Scholarship Day invites have gone out to OOS and IS. My impression was that Scholars (and Honors College) Invite were delivered at the same time. OOS and IS have received Excel invitations. Now, that doesn’t mean they all have gone out—just that some IS and OOS applicants have received them. You should probably check Connect Carolina.
@Skrunch Did Scholarship Day and Honors College invites come via email or snail mail?
For my IS kid, Excel invites came via email. Several OOS kids mentioned getting snail mail and an invitation on the My Carolina page.
@SilverSmart If you read past posts in this thread, you will see that both of your points are false. Both Scholarship Day/Honors Carolina and Excel invitations have gone out for IS and OOS.
So if we haven’t received scholarship days or excel invite at this point we are not getting one?
OOS accepted son with excellent stats…wondering why he wasn’t invited? Oh well it was an honor to be accepted OOS! Congrats to all!
I have the same question as @pasoccermom, I feel like I was qualified enough to be invited (not necessarily receive a scholarship, but at least be invited). OOS student. Have not received paper letter or email about ExcelCarolina or Scholarship Day.
I have absolutely no idea how they make selection for scholarship day. With that being said, I think there are 170 students total invited, and im assuming the proportion of them who are oos may be small. I wish UNC would give statistics out!
Would this 170 students include the students selected for Morehead Cain Semi-finalists but don’t actually become MC Scholars? One would think so.
@Joe2015 Yes, the 170 not only includes some MC semifinalists, but some finalists as well. And probably some Robertson applicants as well.
@Joe2015 I applied for the Robertson back in November, but didn’t receive an invite to Scholarship Day. So, I emailed the Robertson Foundation asking if I still had a chance of receiving an interview and they said that their process is completely separate from Scholarship Day. I’m guessing it’s the same for Morehead-Cain.