<p>Your situation reminds me somewhat of my own. I just finished up the semester at NYU in their "Spring in New York" program. In the fall I was considering applying to a few schools, including NYU, but not all of the schools I was interested in allowed for spring transfers. Rather than make a mistake, I decided I would do this program as a visiting student to see how I felt. Then I could decide if I wanted to transfer into NYU for the fall.</p>
<p>Point being, while I liked my enjoyed my time at NYU, I didn't end up applying. I applied to a few other schools, got accepted to most of them including UNC-CH. At this point, I will probably be going to UNC. A large part of why I did not apply to NYU was the cost. Not only is tuition so expensive, as everyone has already stated, but there is going to be another tuition increase. And the cost of living in New York City is a hidden cost that makes NYU even more outrageous. Everything, and I mean everything, is just so expensive (as you already know).</p>
<p>As for the social life at NYU, it seemed to heavily revolve around going to clubs and bars. You said you're not a big partier or drinker, which is fine because you wouldn't be in that environment. However, hanging out in the dorms is fairly limited. Not to mention that the social life at NYU doesn't come cheaply, considering you sometimes need a taxi to get to places, and then have to pay cover at bars and clubs.</p>
<p>For me, the academics and social life at an incredible price was UNC's selling point. But, I am not from North Carolina, and was looking fora different environment, one that UNC provides, but NYU does not. </p>
<p>It sounds like UNC might be a better fit for you ...and wouldn't be a bad choice for your family. As Layla said, there are so many students there that you will be able to get with a group of people with similar social interest. UNC is a great school at an amazing price, and unless you are interested in a program that is really only offered at NYU, you should probably give UNC strong consideration. All that being said, you also I have to go the place where you're going to be happy and not regret choosing, you can't forget that.</p>