Unconnected Rushing

<p>If I decide to go to Bama next fall, I’ll definitely want to rush. I am very concerned that I won’t get into any houses though because I am from the northeast and don’t have any connections to the houses. I don’t care if a sorority is “old row” or “new row”; I just want to be able to enjoy the greek experience. I’ll be absolutely devastated if I go to Bama and can’t get in a house. I have excellent grades (99 average and 2260 SAT), extracurriculars, and leadership if that helps at all. I look and dress like a typical southern sorority girl, so they wouldn’t deny me because I don’t look the part. If anyone could tell me about unconnected northern girls rushing, I’d greatly appreciate it. Thanks!</p>

<p>you will be fine as long as you understand the process and have all your ducks in a row with regard to recs and the ability to have a decent conversation during rush.</p>

<p>that … and maximizing your options.</p>

<p>Being from the Northeast will not be the deciding factor in whether you will receive a bid or not. Recommendations are important and you should get 1 (preferably) 2 for each house. If you need help with this process pm me…I can help you through it. Go to Preview Weekend…this is especially important if you are OOS. Keep and open mind as you go through the process. Be open to all of the sororities on campus, each has many amazing qualities, girls and opportunities. Maximize your options, which means always write down all the houses that you visited each time you vote…last year girls were told if they maximized their options all week, writing down all of the houses they visited each day and that they attended all of the parities they were invited to through Preference they were guaranteed a bid.
We have many girls who are OOs who go through recruitment successfully and receive bids. Again if you are interested I can tell you per house the OOS percentage and numbers (this will have to wait until next Monday as I am in NYC and the stats are on my desk at home). It is true that you will find some houses that take more southern girls but if you do your homework, get the recs, go in open minded and maximize you options you will be fine.</p>

<p>You should not have a problem but you should do some leg work before you arrive on campus. You probably have ladies around you who were in a sorority and could write a recommendation for you. Stay positive and keep an open mind (ie do not get you heart set on one particular sorority) and it will work our for you.</p>

<p>I grew up in the northeast and went to a southern school. Being in a sorority was something I really wanted to do while in college. Rush seemed daunting since I had no experience with it and did not have a mother/grandmother/sister who was in a sorority. At the time I thought I was going to crumble…my social life was over etc… when I found out during rush what a legacy was and how I was not a legacy…thought it was all over! It all worked out. I pledged with my first choice. Made some great friends. Had a lot of fun! </p>

<p>Have fun & best of luck!</p>

<p>Ahh thank you! These responses are very reassuring. I know some of my friends’ moms were in sororities, so if their chapters are at bama, I’m sure they can write me good recs.</p>