Undecided on taking the AP credit for chem 101/111

DD is a biochem major whose NSC is at the end of May, and she’s trying to decide whether or not to take her AP credit for Chem 101/111. She hasn’t taken general chemistry since her sophomore year, so she likes the idea of starting at the beginning, but taking the credit would free up hours where she could take math 151 this fall instead of waiting until the spring, an idea she also likes since she just finished calculus. She plans to talk to an advisor about it at her NSC, but I’d appreciate any thoughts from others who have faced this same dilemma. Thanks!

Could she take an online chem class through MIT over the summer? I believe they are free. That would refresh her memory and give her the room to take the math.

The Khan academy chemistry courses are outstanding and cover first-year chemistry. https://www.khanacademy.org/science/chemistry

My D was in this situation. We decided to not accept the Chem AP credits. She took Honors Chemistry. She wasn’t bored but found it easy to get an A. She is a Chem major. Later, she thought she should have gone straight to O-chem but I was happy with how it worked out. She’s a scholarship student so I was worried about the GPA and throwing her straight into Organic. She was able to shine among the first year Chemistry students and started getting Departmental awards and more departmental scholarships. It would have been harder to stand out in second year Chem in my opinion. She did accept her Calculus AP credits though for 151/152. She went straight to Diff EQ but that worked out fine also.