Credit for AP Chemistry

I just got home last night from my NSC. I remember from the engineering group advising session that my advisor said we should “definitely accept AP Chem credit if you have it!” I forgot to ask while there, but is it really possible to use AP for Chem 107/117? I don’t recall the official credit list having that as an option, and I thought that credit can only be used for 101/111 and 102/112. I took AP Chem senior year, so I’m still waiting on scores to come in but I’m curious to know if I have to spend any more time with the subject. Now that I think about it, she may have just been talking to the chemical and biomedical students, but I’m not sure.

@futureaggie1 - Two years ago, my son took his AP Chemistry credits for Chem 101/111 and 102/112 (he had a “5” on the exam). I don’t remember any other options, but things could have changed.

Yes 107 is equal to the 101/102 combo. My son took credit for 107 with AP credit this way.

As long as you get credit for both 101 and 102, you can substitute it for 107.

Awesome thanks for the responses! @Beaudreau @aggiedadtimes2 @KievanRus

So, if you made a 3 on AP Chem, which only counts for Chem 101, can you get credit for Chem 107? Or is Chem 107 considered to be Chem 101 and Chem 102?

I believe you need a 4 to get 107 credit. not affected by the state law change like US Hist. You might be able to take 101 as AP credit and then 102 the class or just take 107.