<p>Hey everyone! I'm new to the site and have a question. I just sent in my early action application and am feeling a little unconfident. Here is my info, tell me if you think i am qualified for Harvard or any of the other ivy schools. </p>
<p>GPA unweighted: 4.0
SAT: 2020 (800cr 670 mth 570 wrt)
SAT 2: Have yet to receive. I took math level 1 and literature. I think I scored low 700s in both.
My app essay is very strong. I have had an english professor and three people who write for a living look at it and help me out. They all say it is very good. </p>
<p>Hooks/notes/extra curricular activities: I am a duel enrollment student, having already taken 39 college credits at a community college. I have received all As. I am a homeschool student having never went to public school. I will be graduating with around 35 highschool credits. I am a first generation college student. I am president of two student clubs at my community college, A writing club and an Economics club. I am a founding member of both clubs, which are very active putting on several events and projects each year including publications, trips, guest speakers, etc. I have volunteered at the school's writing center for over 100 hours. II have around 100 hours of various other community service. I am currently in a writing tutor training program, hopefully I will start work next quarter. My college professors have sent recommendations at least one of which said I was one of the best students they have ever seen (that professor has been teaching english for about 15 years at CC and university level). I am a member of Phi Theta Kappa. My family runs a small business, in which I have 100s of hours experience working in. My family is low income making under 40k a year. I am an amateur poet who has gained hundreds of comments and fans online. I play guitar. Despite my low SAT writing score, I am a superb writer, my professors say I am one of the best young writers they have had come through their classes. I was on the president's list for two quarters, I would have been on more but I haven't taken enough credits. </p>
<p>A few other things. I am White/Caucasian. I am male. I live in the U.S. </p>
<p>I do apologize for the grammar errors in this post. </p>
<p>Thank you for your time.</p>