Under qualified?

<p>Hey everyone! I'm new to the site and have a question. I just sent in my early action application and am feeling a little unconfident. Here is my info, tell me if you think i am qualified for Harvard or any of the other ivy schools. </p>

<p>GPA unweighted: 4.0
SAT: 2020 (800cr 670 mth 570 wrt)
SAT 2: Have yet to receive. I took math level 1 and literature. I think I scored low 700s in both.
My app essay is very strong. I have had an english professor and three people who write for a living look at it and help me out. They all say it is very good. </p>

<p>Hooks/notes/extra curricular activities: I am a duel enrollment student, having already taken 39 college credits at a community college. I have received all As. I am a homeschool student having never went to public school. I will be graduating with around 35 highschool credits. I am a first generation college student. I am president of two student clubs at my community college, A writing club and an Economics club. I am a founding member of both clubs, which are very active putting on several events and projects each year including publications, trips, guest speakers, etc. I have volunteered at the school's writing center for over 100 hours. II have around 100 hours of various other community service. I am currently in a writing tutor training program, hopefully I will start work next quarter. My college professors have sent recommendations at least one of which said I was one of the best students they have ever seen (that professor has been teaching english for about 15 years at CC and university level). I am a member of Phi Theta Kappa. My family runs a small business, in which I have 100s of hours experience working in. My family is low income making under 40k a year. I am an amateur poet who has gained hundreds of comments and fans online. I play guitar. Despite my low SAT writing score, I am a superb writer, my professors say I am one of the best young writers they have had come through their classes. I was on the president's list for two quarters, I would have been on more but I haven't taken enough credits. </p>

<p>A few other things. I am White/Caucasian. I am male. I live in the U.S. </p>

<p>I do apologize for the grammar errors in this post. </p>

<p>Thank you for your time.</p>

<p>If you’re feeling unconfident you shouldn’t come here! You will only feel worse.</p>

<p>I’ve seen people with your stats who got in so you should just hope for the best.</p>

<p>Thats nice to hear. Thanks! I have the interview in a few days. I think it will help when that is over… I just hope the admissions board with overlook the less than stellar SAT scores when they see that Ive performed so well in a college setting.</p>

<p>Your stats are reasonable. If you are not applying early, you should definitely retake the SAT to increase your writing a little bit. </p>

<p>In case you are applying early, you should still try to retake the SAT, because Harvard may defer your application (if not accepted) and give you an oppertunity to send in updated data.</p>

<p>Was thinking the same thing. Your writing score is definitely incongruous with the rest of your post. You should be able to get a substantial boost on a retake if you study for the writing section. Hope things work out for you!</p>

<p>I would certainly recommend you retake the SAT. That 540 is holding back an otherwise solid application.</p>