Undergraduate Bachelor of Arts in Architecture - Columbia University?


<p>Recently, I've had a chance to look through the works of Colombia+Barnard Undergraduate students from their ONSite Publication. The program seems to possess strong quality from the GSAPP in integrating both Design aspect + Research & Theory (my strong interest).
My studio teacher graduated from Columbia and highly recommended me to try applying for transfer. I'll also be visiting the studio this early December.</p>

<p>Can anyone share perspectives about the program as well as advices for transferring, etc?</p>

<p>I will give you my perspective as a Columbia GSAPP graduate. The Columbia undergraduate program really focuses and creating broadly educated individuals. So in the architecture program you will not take studio courses till your junior year. I would call it an architecture lite program. It will give you a good taste of architecture, but most graduate schools will treat it like an english degree and expect you to go three years for your MArch. When you graduate you will be a very well educated individual, but with perhaps less architectural specific skills. It is a great school.</p>
