<p>Okay..this is bugging me..so I'm gonna post about it. My apush class is ridiculously hard...the best student in history in our school (captain of history team since freshman year) has even received a B and he plans to become a lawyer. Anyway..I'm annoyed cuz I write good essays, and my teacher gives me lousy grades on those essays like in the Low C range. :( I'm an A student. And normally I don't spaz out over bad grades on assignments here and there..but this is constant. My essays are NOT that bad..I've never scored a C on an essay before until I got to her class. And I know apush is different..and the essays are different..but I still work well with essays in general. The last 6 weeks I turned in an assignment late--I had it done, but I just forgot to turn it in. And she gave me a 0. And she said it would be "unfair" to allow for me to turn it in, cuz she hasn't let the other students turn in that assignment late. She lets the juniors turn in whatever crap they wanna turn in late, and one lousy worksheet from a sophomore, and she won't accept it. So I got a B that 6 weeks. And this was really disheartening cuz I need some higher As or I'm gonna suffer a B for the whole year. </p>
<p>Okay..so this 6 weeks we had another essay due..and I turned it in..and it really wasn't that bad..most people had crappy essays and they got a 96. She gave me an 85. She told me there were two things wrong with it..two very trivial things that did not have to be included..and she gave me an 85. And another girl didn't even follow directions, and she got a 78, and her huge dad came in to have a talk with the teacher..and I guess she got all scared or something..cuz now she's letting her REDO the essay and she can get up to a 92 this time. And this same teacher told this to 2 other students I believe. She can't just give that oppurtunity to 3 students and not tell the class. THAT is unfair. ARGH..I makes me feel as if I wanna slap some sense into this woman. I don't wanna act like a baby and ask if I can redo my essay, cuz technically she doesn't know that I know. But it really is unfair to let 3 specific students redo this essay--they say it was cuz they didn't follow directions. Other people don't follow directions and she slaps down Fs seemingly with no problem. One girl got an 85 too. Why does she get the oppurtunity to add 7 pts to her essay avg..and I, and most of the other students don't? ARGH IT..okay..sorry this is long..read it for your amusement or you could post a story of your own. I think I'm gonna just take my parents in and talk with her..if that's the only way to get things done, then I'm gonna do it. I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, however, my grades are ridiculously low and these type of advantages just aren't gonna cut it to someone who's studying their a$$ off and still getting lousy grades.</p>
<p>your teacher is pretty unfair. I suppose you should have a sincere teacher-student conference. Since this has a low possibility of working I think you should tell your parents.</p>
<p>Yo, dotn worry. People get couple bad teaschers throughout high school. Well, for me..to tell u the truth, i was lucky to have all the bad teachers in freshman year.</p>
<p>I heard this was her last year of teaching. I always get the bad teachers right before they retire when they are at their crankiest point in their lives probably. I have another gym teacher who's like 70, and if you talk to her, she'll snap at you..and this is her last year too. Man our school sucks. :(</p>
<p>don't complain. part of school is preparing yourself for life. not everything in life is fair. that part of learning is much more important that actually learning physics or history or math.</p>
<p>Your teachers are wierd.
My teachers, it's also their last year, so they're doing the "put the best effort until the end" type attitude, it's great, a lot of fun.</p>
<p>Hope things work out, I suggest a parent-teacher conference.</p>
<p>"most people had crappy essays and they got a 96. She gave me an 85. She told me there were two things wrong with it..two very trivial things that did not have to be included..and she gave me an 85" By whose standards were their essay's crappy? By yours? Two very trivial things, according to whose standards? It is the teacher's opinion that counts. The teacher must have given a good grade to the other students for a reason. Look at their essays and imitate their style. then if you get a bad grade, you can complain.</p>
<p>Yeah..that's the basis of my argument. I asked the Juniors and one essay had one of the two mistakes I did, and another mistake that she could not remember. And they are trivial..like "include more quotes"..</p>
<p>"Include more quotes" sounds like a reasonable addition to take off for.</p>
<p>Unfair teachers would be like the stereotyping English teacher I had junior year who accused my friend Jim and I of smoking pot IN class, right before lunch. </p>
<p>Insisted she smelled pot after teaching for 50 minutes (lunch was right in the middle of class - go to lunch, come back) and blamed it on him and I because apparently we look like 'stoners.'</p>
<p>Talk about schools being screwed up, ours is extremely deep in a budget crisis. No Joke. Our school is also under construction. and alot of the kids dont want to perform well at school. Our school is mainly a stoner school.</p>
<p><i>don't complain. part of school is preparing yourself for life. not everything in life is fair. that part of learning is much more important that actually learning physics or history or math.</i></p>
<p>Yeah, because life isn't always fair, school shouldn't be either.</p>
<p>It's a reasonable addition, but since numerous people didn't include quotes, and she didn't specify for quotes, it's unreasonable to take off 15 pts. Oh man our school is really old..we haven't had any new additions since like 1913. The heat/water supply always breaks so we're freezing our a$$es off in school and like 3 or 4 days this year, we didn't even have school cuz of the heat. All of the money goes to our very bad football team, and it's not recommended for you to excel in academics in that school...that's why my apush teacher is not the friendliest toward us sophomores, who are taking it a year before it's usually taken. The principal even made my friend promise she wouldn't graduate early. And he wouldn't let me skip a math class, even though I offered to take the tests and everything. That's how it works when you live in rural country. =</p>
<p>A B is a really bad grade? I'm sorry, but only the top kids (juniors) at my son's HS even get to take APUSH, and most of them get Bs. Soph's are just not allowed into the class. I think it's like that at a lot of schools. It sounds like you're doing pretty well in the class in spite of a sort of wacky teacher. Try the positive approach with her instead of challenging every decision. Ask for her advice. Go in before tests with an outline or some questions - you know you can catch more bees with honey, don't you?</p>
<p>"It's a reasonable addition, but since numerous people didn't include quotes, and she didn't specify for quotes, it's unreasonable to take off 15 pts. Oh man our school is really old..we haven't had any new additions since like 1913. The heat/water supply always breaks so we're freezing our a$$es off in school and like 3 or 4 days this year, we didn't even have school cuz of the heat. All of the money goes to our very bad football team, and it's not recommended for you to excel in academics in that school...that's why my apush teacher is not the friendliest toward us sophomores, who are taking it a year before it's usually taken. The principal even made my friend promise she wouldn't graduate early. And he wouldn't let me skip a math class, even though I offered to take the tests and everything. That's how it works when you live in rural country. =\"</p>
<p>This is why homeschooling is probably occuring more and more now. Not only are some schools absolutely full of filth, they are pathetic excuses for education. Of course my high school waited UNTIL AFTER my class graduated to paint the hallways, redo the offices, redo the lockers, and redo the filthy bathrooms probably too (I haven't actually seen the bathrooms, but the other stuff actually looks nice now). ARGH!!</p>