UNH Class of 2025 Early Action

Congratulations to your daughter!

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Daughter just got in! This is her first acceptance and we are so happy (she won’t be a cellar dweller!) She got a $12k per year Trustee scholarship.


Congratulations @littlerobot!

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Congratulations to your daughter!

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I applied in October and received my letter of acceptance last week. I was awarded the Trustee’s Scholarship (9k) and am undecided, but I’m planning on majoring in Economics. For reference, I have a 4.01 UW and did not submit scores.


My daughter just checked and hers is still “ complete ready for review”. She sent her apps out at the end of October. We live in CT and her safety schools ( one in state) one OOS were pretty quick acceptances. It was great to see the acceptances, but she is hoping to hear from UNH soon. Her SAT’s have all been cancelled. They tried rescheduling every month, but COVID numbers kept causing sites to close. Good luck to everyone.


Very exciting! Congrats!!!

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My daughter got the $8,000 Presidential Scholarship for an OOS student. She’s been offered a lot more at other schools, but she does like the program she was admitted to so it’s not off the list yet. But it would be an expensive option. 3.83 GPA, no test scores.


Congrats! Would you please share her stats?

Thank you :blush: oos, 4.6 w Gpa, 4.0uw, class rank 2, lots of ap and dual enrollment, 2 varsity sports, student council, many clubs, several leadership and academic awards, many hours of community service, no test scores as all were canceled


Congrats again! Is UNH one of her top choices?

Same here with the test scores - 4 diff. tests canceled. At least we know that schools were serious about being test optional!

It sounds like a lot of our kids are in the same boat with testing!

Florida State Schools are still requiring test scores. I’m wondering how their application numbers are.

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That is crazy…I had forgotten all about that. I imagine they are still up bec from a financial standpoint, don’t they offer some great merit aid esp for in-state?

My daughter accepted today.
Computer Science GPA 4.3 No test score
No scholarship. OOS


Congrats! When did you submit?

She submitted on Oct 30.

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@mirandapet, your daughter might get a scholarship - D21’s notification of her scholarship came separately in an email eight days after her acceptance was announced. The scholarship was not announced in her portal.


Son received notice of his Honor’s acceptance via snail mail today, still waiting to hear what he received for Merit. Exciting times over the next few weeks as more schools release decisions. He also received acceptance and Merit award to Florida Institute of Technology today too.