<p>Housing application is due today and I'm an incoming sophomore. I've lived in all 3 Units (Unit 1 via ROHP, Unit 2 in the summer, Unit 3 for 1st year), and I still can't decide which I prefer. CKC and Foothill are easily out for multiple reasons and Unit 2 is just like Unit 1 but a bit further from campus.
I tried to make a pro's and con's list for Unit 1 and Unit 3 and I seem to have reached an impasse:
Unit 1
Closer to Evans (all my classes next year are in Evans)
Laundry every other floor
Newer, more aesthetically pleasing rooms
Rocking Chairs</p>
Cement/Jail-like Ceilings</p>
<p>Unit 3
closer to RSF
closer to GBC
Bear Market/Cafe 3</p>
<p>Laundry very far away
weird mirror-closet
average chairs
lame wooden furniture/very old</p>
<p>I think I'm siding with Unit 1, but it's so much further from RSF which I would go to 3 times a week at Unit 1 (other days would be down at the basement). And Unit 1 isn't that closer to Evans. And I would definitely miss going to GBC/Bear Market so often to stock up on healthy food.</p>