<p>We know you are reading all this mayham. Have you seen the OOS acceptance thread? Thousands of views and almost 200 posts?
Is it possible that you sent invitations to your Accepted Student Day on the Blue Hen page, allowed them to sign up, have a giant Congratulations with your admssion banner with the students name & then the next day figure out what was happening?
No announcements, no reps posting? What did you just emergency call in all the IT guys and have them try to undo what thousands have seen?
I know you will honour those who regestered for Your accepted student day, right? The one's who posted on facebook and ordered hoodys online? The one's whose grandparents cried because they were so happy for them?
If not, I'm afraid this might go down as one of the hugest flubbs in admissions history. It will be of great interest to many people. I already know someone researching it for a possible article. I feel bad for admissions but they can make this right</p>
<p>Not gonna lie, this post just gave me major anxiety… Do you have any proof that it’s a glitch? Or are you guessing? Idk what to think because it said I was accepted yesterday with the decision day but now it’s gone… does this indicate we’re waitlisted? What does everyone else think?</p>
<p>I had the link yesterday that says I was accepted, nothing else. No financial information or housing or anything else. It disappeared last night, and I just got the letter saying I was waitlisted.</p>
<p>What the hell…</p>
<p>My advice would be for everyone to hold his or her excitement until after the official letter comes. Could you really blame UD for not accepting those who were accidentally given incorrect information because of a computer glitch that they have no control over?</p>
<p>Don’t give up hope kids! I"m still hoping that the kids who responded to "CONGRATULATIONS ON BEING ACCEPTED TO THE UNIVERSITY of DELAWARE ____________ (FUll name on page) will get an acceptance eventually. </p>
<p>Obviously the wait list notification was in the mail before UD knew of any glitch (in Wilkeys case there obviously was one if he was wait listed today) They seem nice and you would think that that would want to avoid any bad press or outing of negligent oversights? </p>
<p>"the Our Delaware Decision Days offer the most comprehensive all-day visit programs for ADMITTED students…(not wait listed btw) </p>
<p>I’m still hoping the are restructuring… That UD will be “stand up” about this? Wilkey, did you actually register and get that confirmation posted to DD? Not that it would make it any easier.</p>
<p>I also feel bad for admissions if this was an error. I feel bad for the person (or people) who didn’t notice it -even though we managed to find it immediately…hope no one got fired or anything? I’m irked but wouldn’t want that. </p>
<p>That said, I feel really bad for you kids and parents of kids who had U Del as a first choice and stumbled upon your Blue Hen Decision Day welcome mysteriously removed! I hope it all ends up OK…for everyone involved!</p>
<p>I did not register, haha I was kinda scared too register without my mom being aware of it and then I had to go to work. When I got back it was gone. And I also feel for the people whose mistake it actually was. But I really won’t be surprised if someone is fired over this, it’s kind of a big mistake.</p>
<p>It is a huge mistake. While I have some sympathy for UD, I have more for the students who have worked hard and waited patiently, who had their day made, called, facebooked, texted and tweeted to friends, family, classmates and counselors, “I got into Delaware!” only to have their offers and reservations vanish without a word of explanation. There have been several changes in the last 24 hours, so clearly SOMEONE is working. Sorry, but I’ve only heard of a similar mistake once, with Penn State, and my understanding is that they honored the admissions they offered online. With all the schools using the web, how many have had such a huge blunder? So it would seem that this was avoidable. D was online picking out UD clothing this AM, now she’s trying to decide what to tell everyone, because she has no idea if her acceptance, saved as a photo on her phone so she could share it, means anything at all.</p>
<p>The only thing we can do is hope that they will still honor admission if this is truly the case. If we were all waitlisted/ denied, wouldn’t it say it as our status? So maybe it’s our accounts? Has anyone been in contact with the actual school?</p>
<p>Someone should have been told to come into work today to address this issue with the students affected. An explanation and an apology are the least they could offer. Right now we can only wait and hope, but it’s beginning to look like those left in limbo are waitlisted, not admitted, despite being told that they are admitted. UDel needs to do the ethically right thing and honor these admissions.</p>
<p>We tried calling several times today, no answer. Clearly the stress levels are high. After the long wait, SUCCESS, ACCEPTED, for 24 hours…now…silence. We don’t even know if all the decisions are in the mail as admissions told one parent they would be released in waves.</p>
<p>How can you realistically expect UD to honor those shown as accepted because of the glitch? As far as I know, this happened to EVERYONE. It’s best not to jump the gun until you get the letter on the mail.</p>
<p>Wait until Monday morning, and then call and email. I imagine the phone lines will probably be very busy. Don’t get too upset until you talk to someone and find out the situation.</p>
<p>PAquestion Unless you work for UDel you have no idea how many people this actually happened to. There are maybe 10-20 people on CC who are saying it happened to them. Hardly everyone. People are stressed, upset, disappointed. A little compassion goes a long way.</p>
<p>charlieschm- It is hard not to be upset when you have already told everyone you know that you got in, and without a word, your acceptance and reservation disappear. Again, they are aware as they have made several changes in 24 hours. How hard would it be to update the students? If not all the students, at least the ones who reserved their Decision Day only to see it disappear.</p>
<p>Clearly, the couldn’t accept EVERYONE if EVERYONE in fact got this accepted link with their name on it. Even people who aren’t privy to CC could say, Hey…I saw that. Now, there’s, no disputing the fact that someone who booked a reservation to Decision Days, not only saw the glitch, but is highly interested. These folks are very likely CCers, and as we’ve seen the majority did NOT respond immediately…they actually thought it would be there 16 hours later. I’m thinking what is it really…40 people, 80? And as dkitty said, I think we need us some official word from Delaware, who (like UDel said) are aware and chosing not to deal with it. The truth is, this is big stuff, big error, big school, they are most likely talking to counsel, Public Relations, higher ups outside the office. You can’t make policy or statements at a large institution on a whim…it’s Delaware…they’ll do the right thing!</p>
<p>Here is my theory for what it’s worth… </p>
<p>I think that UD wanted to offer waitlisted students AND admitted students the opportunity to attend the admitted students day, which as they designed it, was a link under “my invitations” in order to sign up for decision days. Once you click on that link, it takes you to the reservation form. FIne so far, HOWEVER, that reservation form is where they had the “congrats” message. I’m thinking that they make have overlooked the fact that both admitted and waitlisted students were going to be taken to that message via the link. so what happened was that everyone who was offered the invitation link, also got the congrats message, whether they were waitlisted or accepted. The acceptance message should have been independent of the decision day link.</p>
<p>If this is the case, they may have since realized it and are now going back by hand and removing the link for those that were not accepted, which would explain why it is disappearing at different times for different people. And if my theory is correct, if you initially had the acceptance message and it has since disappeared, you can assume that at the very least you will be waitlisted. </p>
<p>Please, this is only a theory so don’t panic. I hope I am completely wrong, but it does make sense. It was a simple oversight on their part, but one with huge consequences.</p>
<p>Well everyone, good luck. We should know for sure by monday or tuesday. I, for one, am moving on to things I can control, namely booking our family vacation. Regardless of where my DD ends up, she will thrive and succeed. I have no doubts.</p>
<p>Question for you guys. I’m on mybluehenhome and on there, my checklist was updated to show the apply for financial aid, pay deposit, verify your social security number, etc. in addition to having a financial aid offer, invitations to Delaware Decision Days, it says in the bottom right that I am admitted for Fall Semester of 2011, and it offers me the link to join the admitted students group on facebook, am I safe? I was ecstatic to get all of these indications of acceptance but now I’m freaking out with all these threads and stuff about glitches in the system.</p>
<p>My son’s blue hen page also has the links to pay deposit, shows his award $$, the Delaware days reservation and shows admitted Fall 2011. When you click on different links, it does come up saying Congratulations on your admittance. Hopefully this is not an error and I feel very bad for the ones who no longer show these things. I guess we just have to wait for the mail or call admissions tomorrow. Good Luck Everyone. We waited a long time for a decision so hopefully nobody is disappointed. Now my son has to make his final decision between Penn State UP or UDel.</p>