Univ Scholars?

<p>How does a dual major work if they are in different colleges? Do you graduate with that BA the year prior & then graduate with your BA & MA in your University Scholars major? S will have to jam in some classes for the A&S major, wondering if he might have time for a class or two in the 5th year. I would think not, as it must be pretty intensive in the 5th year.</p>

<p>DS was just officially accepted into the Manderson Graduate School for University Scholars. He is going to go one extra semester past his senior year but will graduate with a BS Finance, BA Political Science, BA Economics, MS Finance and minor History. He was told he could graduate with his undergraduate degrees at the end of his senior year then graduate after the fall semester with his master’s degree, but he just wants to do everything at one time. He obviously will be getting degrees from 3 different colleges (Culverhouse, Manderson, A&S) . Hope that helps!</p>

<p>Manderson is simply the name of the graduate school within Culverhouse. </p>

<p>The semester of graduation is really up to the student unless there are other financial factors at play.</p>

<p>Many people are not aware that one can complete the requirements for a degree and decline to graduate in that semester. I completed my undergraduate requirements in the fall semester, but didn’t graduate with a bachelor’s degree until the spring semester. This allowed me to keep my undergraduate scholarship and financial aid while graduating with both my bachelor’s and master’s degrees at once. Technically speaking, I had a master’s degree for fifteen minutes before I had a bachelor’s degree.</p>

<p>Previously, one was not allowed to walk multiple times at the same ceremony. I and four others found out about five minutes prior to the ceremony that we could walk twice. Other people I know walked in one ceremony for their master’s degree and then walked in another ceremony the next day for their bachelor’s degree. Bamafana’s son could walk three times if he so desired.</p>

<p>I know people who are not graduating from UA, but will transfer to another school to get their degree from the other school after taking a certain number of credits there.</p>

<p>Some potential University Scholars have been asked to graduate with their bachelor’s degree early so they could be awarded a graduate assistantship which would be larger than their undergraduate scholarship. These are special circumstances however.</p>

<p>Sea_Tide, could DS just walk ONE time and get all his degrees? He really doesn’t want to walk multiple times…</p>

<p>He doesn’t have to walk at all if he so desires. UA originally said that candidates for graduation could only walk once per ceremony but changed the rules right before the graduation ceremony to allow candidates for graduation to walk for each degree if they so desire.</p>