Univerity of Arizona VS. Florida State University

<p>Ok, so I have been really set on going to the University of Arizona, but my dad is telling me not to waste my time applying there, because he thinks i should go to FSU. hes pretty narrow minded when it comes to universities he knows nothing about.</p>

<p>So what i really want to know is what do you guys think, which is a better school?</p>

<p>I know UA is considered to be a public ivy, when FSU is not. i also know that FSU would be better for my family financially because i live in florida. but thats basically it when it comes to comparing the two.</p>

<p>so what do you guys think? FSU or UA?</p>

<p>First, a lot depends on your major. Some schools really flaunt their engineering programs whereas others are more business or science centered. It appears though that FSU is way more liberal arts orientated considering they didn’t have a college of engineering until 1983. UA on the other hand started from the beginning with engineering.</p>

<p>Next, the UA isn’t even close to public Ivy (80% admission rate says it all). I put UA in the tier III category. Tier I is the usual like Stanford, MIT, Princeton, Columbia, etc etc. Tier II is public ivies/close to ivy/ Top 20s like Rice, UCSD, USC, etc etc. Tier III is the value/money category, which I think both UA and FSU fit into.</p>

<p>With that said, TBH looking at the Wiki page for FSU I’d say it probably doesn’t matter which you go to in terms of your employability after graduation. If you want to go to UA, then go to UA. If you don’t like it here you can always transfer back to FSU.</p>