University Delaware Class of 2027 Official Thread

My daughter applied first week in September. Nothing yet. The waiting has only made us loose interest.

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WOW! I can understand.

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@shannon3 @cgemaj @Mom1974 I think you have a good chance to hear Friday. My DD applied early Oct. and hadnā€™t heard anything from UDel the week before Christmas. Previously on her portal it said that she couldnā€™t switch her major while her application was under review. But, the sentence was no longer on her portal. So she sent her AO an email asking if it was possible to switch her application major. Her AO replied that a decision had been made and she should be hearing back that week or the first part of January. We were really discouraged and thought it surely was a no and they were just waiting till after the holidays to let her know. But, she did hear back and she was accepted. Anyway, I think another batch is going out very soon. Wishing the best for your kids!


He likely is in the Regular Decision pool since the SRAR was not done by Nov. 1 for EA. Best of luck! Itā€™s a wonderful school.

Was accepted OOS with a trustee scholarship.
Didnā€™t submit SAT with a 3.9 UW and a 4.0 W Applied to honors College as well. Hoping to become a Delaware distinguished scholar for more merit aid. Lots of community service and leadership in sports. Will not be doing any sports at UD though.

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Yea her portal still has the ā€œyou canā€™t switch your major and application is under reviewā€

Usually those distinguished scholars have 35/36 acts and are in the top 2 of their graduating classes from what Iā€™ve read (my daughter could not get higher than a 34 even after 3 tries).

My daughter is a current Distinguished Scholar. She had an SAT score of 1540 and #1 in her class. She is also active in her club sport at UD and was a first chair musician in high school. It is my understanding that in addition to being a high stats student there is usually something from their essay that the committee finds interesting or unusual or the Discho can add something to the diversity of the campus (unusual sport or activity, underrepresented state, etc.). Even though my daughter was high stats, she was shocked to receive the invitation and ultimately gave up her first choice for the UD Discho scholarship and absolutely loves the school. She is currently on their winter session abroad!

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The SRAR didnā€™t need to be completed until November 11 or something, so he definitely got it in on time. But, that would be a bummer if that was the case.

You would know because the portal would say Regular Decision under term. Mine missed an email and didnā€™t complete SRAR until 11/22 so got bounced to RD.

Well cr*pā€¦ my daughters says regular but she applied early September.

Iā€™m not sure that portal saying ā€œDecision Admit: Regularā€ is actually referring to rd v ea. My son applied and completed SRAR before Nov 1 and was in fact an EA applicant as confirmed by UDEL admissions. When he received his acceptance on Nov 23, the portal said ā€œregular.ā€ I think this reference may mean something other than what we think. If you have any doubts about your EA v RD status, just call and ask admissions.

Maybe I am wrong? His definitely says that but maybe they all do. If everything was submitted on time your child must be EA.

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Yes hers says Term: Regular

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I see what you mean. We no longer have this screen because a decision has been received. But if there is any doubt, I would call admissions.

Was everything submitted on time?

Yup! ā€œApplication Completed: September 13, 2022ā€

She must be EA then. Good luck and sorry to cause minor panic among all the stress!

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Honestly you didnā€™t. Mine may have very well accidentally checked ā€œregularā€. I would assume if she applied ā€œEAā€ it would say that on her portal. At least this explains the delay.

Ok gotcha. It says Term: Early Action, Fall 2023.

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