University Delaware Class of 2027 Official Thread

I am seeing a lot of posts about merit given to in-state students (I think) in the Pitt thread, but generally I believe you are correct. We are OOS for Delaware and didn’t get much from them either. I wonder if inflation is driving up costs. I wonder how this is all going to pan out.

That’s pretty good for in state, most publics give the majority of merit to OOS students to bribe them away from their more affordable in state universities. My daughter got the max from UD, $0 from Rutgers in state (3.9 UWGPA, 34 act).

My main takeaways were that Nov and Dec admits should have heard by now or if not they would hear within 2 weeks and Fin Aid for Jan admits should be rolling out soon. They did say that they do not meet 100% of need based EFC and that people with 2nd homes in DE will not qualify for in state tuition. She said they will see Fin Aid in their portal but also should receive a hard copy in the mail.


My son’s financial aid link has been gone for about 2 weeks now. It was there prior. He was admitted about 11 weeks ago. I reached out to the admission and they told me it happened to several students, but i haven’t received any updates. Is anyone here in same situation?

My daughter was admitted mid-Nov, got merit notice mid-Dec, and we just received her full package in the mail yest (nothing but merit - no additional $).

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It’s in the financial portal. If you completed your FAFSA, the loan amounts are in there too.

I didn’t even know there was a financial portal! Is that something different from the mybluehen portal? Her portal still says that they can now confirm fafsa is there and that financial aid decisions “have begun to roll out and you will be notified once your package is complete”. I guess I have to just assume that most - not all - the decisions have been sent out thus far. I will just call them tomorrow so I don’t have to keep wondering all weekend.

I have no seperate financial aid portal either.

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My daughter was accepted on 12/22 and her portal doesn’t have a financial aid link either. i called admissions today and they said because of the holiday break they are running behind and she should hear within the next week.


We got a hard copy of the financial breakdown today. Not enough of a scholarship to make it attractive though.


@Scooby22 We are out of state and in the same boat. A friend whose son had a slightly higher GPA but went test optional got $5000 more than my daughter. It seems like they almost ignored her good ACT score

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My daughter was accepted Nov 4th- She got her Merit letter a few weeks afterwards for the Trustee Scholarship. She applied to the Honors program but it still says “Your interest in the UD Honors College has been noted and your application is currently under review”
If she does not get accepted to the Honors will they notify her?
We know a few people who already got in from our area, is there still a chance she can get in?
This is so stressful…

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My son applied 10/13 and got his Trustee scholarship a few weeks ago as well. He is still waiting to hear on the Honors program. I’m not worried at all. I think U Del is just backed up with lots of apps to process.

ok good to know thank you!

A counselor at our high school told a group of high stats kids not to bother with Delaware because it would cost close to $40k/year. He wasn’t too far off. About 5 years ago 2 boys from our school were said to have gotten full ride offers. Maybe it was the DuPont Scholars. Otherwise, I’m not seeing it. The DuPont Scholar invitations have not come out yet to my knowledge. Pitt is the same way, even for in state. I guess most people just pay the price. Idk

I believe $17,000 is the highest offer before the DuPont scholarships, I think 100 applicants will be invited to the weekend, 20 will get full tuition (others will get something more). My daughter got the $17,000, but COA after merit from similar schools after merit was similar (UMASS, UCONN), another daughter had worse results with similar stats from UMD, Pitt and Clemson (where she is). It seemed like many brought costs down to $35,000ish.

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1310 SAT, 3.6 GPA, Accepted Business School, $2K/year Merit

Did your daughter get much merit from Clemson?


Nope, I think around $9000, I believe the max is now $12500. It was spring of 2021, we caved because she fell in love, it came down to our state flagship (where her slacker twin brother was going) and Clemson (she had other colleges that came down to in state with merit, but they did not appeal to her on her “tours” (which weren’t tours but walks on empty campuses). Fortunately she loves it there.

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I looked on my DD portal and saw the View Your Financial Portal button next to the Submit Your Deposit button. I clicked on it. Under the View Your Welcome Letter button was a View Your Cost and Aid Sheet button…When I clicked on that I saw a spreadsheet letter that had a line for Scholarship and Grants…and it listed Destination Delaware $10,000. If I hadn’t clicked around I wouldn’t even know she had received that yearly award…There were no updates, or emails, or letters. I don’t know how long its been there. We do need to sit down with the financials of all the schools. I wonder at UDel if it mattered which major you applied to…if some majors have more aid to offer or if it’s just a stats formula across the board.

I love the CC community for all the sincere advice. Sometimes though it can be disheartening to hear about the range of financial awards…we can feel great about our merit award until we read others got more…it can make us feel less loved by the school even though I am sure it’s just a formula.

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