University Delaware Class of 2027 Official Thread

The message on the Honors College banner on my daughter’s portal just changed from decision coming out on Feb 15th to decision will be released in mid February. Did anyone else get that?


Yes ours did as well

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I wonder if they are just committed to the release information on Fridays thing or is my daughter’s stats iffy for Honors College and they are just waiting to see the rest of the RD applicants before they commit? Does anyone have any knowledge based on previous years?

I’m curious about the same - thinking that my DD may be borderline and they’re looking through RD applications before committing. Or they’re backed up and want a few extra days…

My daughter has high stats, was notified on December 9 of her EA acceptance, and still hasn’t been notified of her honors college decision. I don’t think it has anything to do with our kids’ stats … I think they just haven’t gotten to it for a group of applicants. Kind of frustrating because other schools are posting decisions and it is starting to feel like Delaware isn’t showing the love!


Since this is technically mid Feb, I am guessing that means they bought themselves a few days past 2/15 and will release the remaining waiting applicants this Friday


Here’s hoping!


So this is odd… my daughters portal had a link to her financial/merit info. Now the link is gone. We were happy she got money but now I’m wondering if that will change.

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Some others (including us) had the link come and go last month. It came back within a few days for all of us, I believe. I think there were some insignificant changes in the aid info for us.

How long ago was your daughter accepted?

My daughter was accepted regular decision on 1/27. Her merit was posted last week and her blue button in the portal just switched back to Learn More about Financial Aid today also. Now there’s no info.

This Friday it will be 3 weeks

That’s exactly what happened to us

For those waiting on this one - D23 was admitted to the honors college yesterday. We’re waiting on Tuition Exchange, though - a COA of 38,000 for OOS is too much for us. UD’s in-house merit aid (for OOS) just doesn’t cut it.


My daughter found a rejection letter (for the honors college) in her junk email folder. No update in the portal, though. She is disappointed, but not devastated. It seems to be a competitive year as they referenced 17,000 honors applications in the rejection letter. She was offered the scholars program at the University of Maryland; which is also highly competitive - so I guess there is no magic formula/rhyme or reason in admissions. Her stats: 1430 SAT, 4.8W GPA, 4.0 UW GPA. Good luck to the rest of you who are seeking honors acceptance! Check your junk email folder!


Ours was rejected from Honors as well. Offered honors at UMass Amherst.


Definitely no logic to this honors college at UD! My daughter was an EA applicant - 1560 SAT, 4.0uw gpa, all 5s on her AP exams. She also had strong ECs, a part time job all 4 years, and received an international recognition for her artwork, so she’s not all about the academics. She was accepted for the Honors College at University of Maryland and offered an interview for their full-ride Banneker Key scholarship, but rejected for the Honors College at Delaware! Posting her stats so others don’t worry that a rejection from the UD Honors College is a reflection that their stats aren’t high enough. I don’t know why my daughter was rejected, but it’s unfortunately a game changer for her decision on whether she wants to go there. As they say, love the school that loves you back!


It will be 3 weeks this friday

Not sure how they are assessing honors. D23 had stats in line with some here who were rejected. OOS, had a 3.99 UW, I think 4.8 weighted (IB diploma). ACT = 33 (a high 33, one sub-test point from a composite 34). Tons of ECs, lots of sports, outside work, etc. A high achiever, but no more so than others that were rejected. It’s hard to know what filter they are using.

In any event, good luck to all.

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