University Fellows Finalist Notifications

@historymom76 I don’t know. I’ve read previous year’s threads, but nothing was mentioned.

@luckyshamrock. What state are you in? Can you tell us the postmark date? Earlier in the thread an envelope was postmarked feb 3rd - if your envelope has a later postmark perhaps we can speculate that notices go out in waves.

@123field it is postmarked the 3rd but it still took awhile to get here and I am close, so I could easily see locations farther arriving tomorrow.

We live less than an hour away and still don’t have anything. I called today and they said both the “yes” and the “no” letters have been mailed. Hopefully, everyone will know something soon-best of luck and Bama has lots of other great programs if it doesn’t work out!

Just out of curiosity - if “yes” is red, what color is “no”?

FWIW, my D17 got a white envelope containing a “no” for UFE a couple weeks ago. (For completeness, she thought her CBHP “yes” email implied there’d be no envelope for that one, but I just had her show me the email, and it didn’t really say either way. Her invitation to interview for Blount came only in email, not postal mail.)

Nothing arrived yesterday and I am in KY.

San Antonio Texas - just received red envelope in today’s mail. Postmarked Feb 3rd and sent “Priority Mail”. Seems to be no rhyme of reason to how quickly US Postal will deliver these (should we start a separate thread on this topic?!?). Notably, the letter asks for confirmation by Feb 10th, so I would expect that all red envelopes went out on the 3rd, for what its worth. Good luck to all.

Birmingham, Alabama-mail came today, still nothing!

No red envelope in this afternoon’s mail.

Weird that Minnesota received an envelope on Monday, but San Antonio would not receive until today with same postmark.

I guess D can continue to very cautiously hope until Friday.

Congrats to all who are interviewing on campus and good luck!

We live in Texas, but didn’t receive an envelope today either. We are far from San Antonio, but feel like we should have received something by now. I am still hopeful too, but I am afraid that is not a good sign.

Got my red envelope in CA!

@californiagirl0 Congrats!! Best of luck in the next phase.

My D called the fellowship office today and they told her there have been a ton of calls about missing letters. He also told her she needed to wait until after the mail comes on Friday to hopefully get the letter and then if not - call on Monday. I guess it’s policy to not confirm a decision on the phone but once the response date is passed, they can…this is a painful wait!

@Emontoya Thanks for the info. Did your daughter get the sense that the UFE office felt/thought letters might be lost (due to the odd size envelope) or that semi-finalists were just nervous and anxious about letters?

I can’t help but wonder if they are sending the invites out in waves, as kids decline. They want 60 students down there for the weekend and there has to be some students who have applied but when it’s time to fly down, they make the decision to decline. That would explain why someone up north would get an invite on Monday, while someone close would get one on Wednesday. I also think it’s odd that nobody has gotten a “no” yet, which supports my theory. Thoughts?

Has anyone in the southeast received notification? I am in FL and have not heard anything. Post office loses our mail often so I am concerned. Thanks! Congrats to all!

If it helps S got a “no” letter a couple of weeks ago and we are in Northern Indiana so I would hope that meant you guys are still very much in the running. good luck!

@bhammom12, I mentioned upthread that my daughter had already gotten a “no”. Also, given the insanely tight turnaround between invites and the UFE weekend, I can’t imagine that they can play those sorts of games.

Thank you for the information! I saw the post but I thought you were talking about semifinals! Good luck to all-I’m sure it was a tough decision with so many great students!

No envelope today. D is quite bummed.