University Fellows Finalist Notifications

Has anyone heard back as to whether they made it to the University Fellows Experience (UFE) weekend?

Not yet - D is anxiously waiting. In previous years the notification has come via snail mail. IF UA sticks with the same process might not hear anything until Sat or Mon - since the last phone interviews were held on Tuesday night.

Has anyone received anything over the weekend? I assumed they would start arriving Monday, but as you can most likely guess I am super anxious.

Just got today’s mail. Nothing from UFE in the box. Guess it is another day of anxious waiting for my D.

My daughter’s invitation arrived this afternoon. Very excited for her!

@DullesAcheson Congratulations on your daughter’s invitation! Please share what state you are in as it might help the rest of us gauge the movement of the snail mail!

Just checked the mail, got the red envelope! Good luck to everybody! :slight_smile:

@seaotter17 Congrats! What state do you live in?

@123field thank you! I live in Ohio

Thank you. We are in Minnesota. Envelope was postmarked February 3. Good luck to all!

@seaotter17 and @DullesAcheson Thank you for the information. Good luck as you (or in Dulles’ case, your daughter) move forward. Keeping fingers crossed here in Missouri for an envelope tomorrow.

Do y’all have advice for those living in the Northeast or West Coast? Do we think the arrival will be tomorrow?

Does anybody know if they provide financial assistance for hotel accommodations / traveling to and from (like airfare prices) for the finalist weekend? Just checked flights and sure is expensive :frowning: and I am not sure if driving all the way there is a possibility yet

In the past, those students who were invited to the Fellows interview weekend were hosted at the Hotel Capstone (at no cost to the student). Parents have to arrange for their own accommodations, I believe.

As for travel costs, if your family cannot afford that expense, you should contact the Fellows program coordinator to inquire about financial assistance.

@seaotter17 - doesn’t your invitation say anything about accommodations?

@seaotter17 they’re paying for airfare (up to $500) and hotel + food for the CBHP weekend for me. I’d imagine it’s the same for UFE.

No, @turkle321, I don’t believe it’s the same for Fellows. Yes, hotel and food is taken care of, but I’m not sure about airfare (unless the student can’t afford the expense).

@madmonto @123field have you guys heard anything?

@californiagirl0 Nope, no envelope in today’s mail.

Do they mail all notifications at the same time, or do the students that do not advance go out later? My son is also waiting.

Yours may still may be coming, I live close and just received the red envelope today.