University Fellows Finalist Notifications

@swim4school, yeah, I get all that. However, in the present day, even given tradition not backing up a postal invite with an email (at least one saying to check a website for a decision, or an email or tweet or somesuch saying decisions have been sent) seems, well, odd.

(And the glitch this year exposing the issue with relying on the Postal Service for things with that tight of a time turnaround makes me wonder if they’ll change processes for next year.)

Not cool - and definitely not what was supposed to have happened. :frowning:

Goodness, I certainly hope so!

I still have not gotten any letter! This is frustrating!

Has anyone else heard from them today?

@toppopper123 I would recommend calling up the UFE office. Good luck

@toppopper123 - you can reach the Fellows office by phone at (205) 348-5500, or by email at

Yes, I emailed them a couple days ago inquiring why we haven’t received a letter, and they said to be patient. But it’s been awhile. I’m guessing we didn’t make it, because I’m sure they would have done something by now to let me know I did and make arrangements :frowning: Extremely disappointing.

@toppopper123 - Please email them again. It wasn’t 'til Friday that they realized that a number of letters had indeed gone astray, and they are now trying diligently to make sure everyone has been notified. If you contact them again, I’m pretty sure they’ll give you an answer this time.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you . . . :slight_smile: