University of Alabama Fall '24 Admissions

Same! Like either accept or decline, but stop pulling other apps and accepting before them. Their process is broken somewhere. Will keep u posted.


My app was fully submitted Sept 29th and I was accepted on Oct 3rd (this Tuesday). I’m OOS but I submitted test scores so I’m assuming that’s why I heard back so quickly. Crazy how the wait time is so different for everyone!!


This is clearly NOT rolling admission. Not quite sure what they are doing this year!


Rolling admission means that they release decisions throughout the year rather than having a single decision day each for early and regular decisions. It doesn’t mean the applications are reviewed in exactly the order they are received.

That being said, if an applicant hasn’t heard back in 3-4 weeks or more, they should probably call the admissions dept and make sure there isn’t some hold up or something missing.


Thank you for your feedback. Called admissions and everything has been in order since 8/11. Extremely frustrating!

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Yes same here -waiting over 9 weeks now. They are selecting certain students. And waiting on others for some reason. We have moved on from here —the process is not good and if this is an indication of how the school works-then we pick another school!! Also if they are saying apps in by Jan 15 will receive response by march, then they need to change their acceptance stance.


Agree. Not rolling.

I’m sorry that it is taking so long. I wonder if the difference is test optional?


It sure seems like something is different. I’m sorry for those still waiting. It’s got to be incredibly frustrating!


I’m sorry, that does sound very frustrating! Was your student test optional? I wonder if that is part of the difference in processing time?

My DD who is now a sophomore applied TO as well and she heard back in 7 days. My twins applying now also applied TO. It is very frustrating when you see others applying TO and got accepted in days. Both of my kids have high stats too. Very strange and aggravating!


UA has had a massive increase in applications over the last few years. They accept per major. If your student is applying for a major that is impacted, it may take awhile to get a decision. Alabama is trying to attract top students and by all accounts those students are matriculating to the university. Good things to come!


Thanks for the info!! How do you know they accept per major ?? I was wondering if it was that or over a certain GPA threshold. My daughter applied for business and still waiting. Her classmate that got in within 3 days -kinesiology.

And yes TO! But I’ve seen and heard of kids getting in TO already.

This thread has been great, thanks for all the comments and info!

It could be geographical diversity as well. Our TO DD24 (business major) applied test optional as well and was admitted quickly. It could be that the early admits are coming from underrepresented locations, perhaps.


Unless something has changed, I have a freshman engineering major and his sister, also engineering, graduated from UA a few years ago.

Other things to consider… more accepted students may actually be matriculating to UA than in the past my guess yield has gone up. The school has grown quite a bit in the last few years and now they might be slowing down the growth. Additionally, TO kids must be looked at holistically. Therefore, the high school, activities, statement of intent, honors/AP classes etc. matter more than before.

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Interesting. From CT here. What state are you?

We are from MA

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We are from IL

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Wow. Quick acceptance at UA! Congrats. I hope my son gets his soon. It’s been since 9/27 everything was received. My daughter is at Clemson. It’s a spectacular school. Definitely a great option. My son is applying there as well.