University of Alabama Fall '24 Admissions

“We are excited to announce The University of Alabama’s Free App Week, running October 16-20, 2023.

During Free App Week, students will have until 11:59 p.m. CDT on Friday, October 20 to complete their application via the UA Undergraduate app. Applications submitted via the Common App will continue to require a $40 application fee during this week.”

I understand the frustration. Texas A&M is also rolling admission. However, many applicants will not hear anything until March. Given that Alabama is a popular school (I do not have knowledge of their internal process) it makes sense that “rolling” will now encompass students who fill a slot or who have the academic profile they are seeking getting immediate acceptances.
Things change and Alabama has done a lot over the last few years to make their school more than just a “back-up” plan.


I think this is exactly right. I recently spoke with a friend who works for the university and he told me they have seen a huge spike in applications and have gotten significantly more selective this year. They have worked hard to recruit top scholars (think all the merit they throw at top students) and truly increase the number of high achieving students who attend. My guess is they are moving towards a less “rolling” and more “decision by x date” for most applications at this point. That being said, I am very happy S24 received a response so quickly after submitting his application and I can imagine the stress for some of these students who want a response. It would be nice of Bama was a little more transparent about their admissions climate this year.


My guess is they did not anticipate the number of applicants nor the quality of students applying. The application is not as detailed as other schools (essays etc.) However, they can gauge how serious the applicant pool is by the programs … Blount, Randall’s… etc. that people show interest in during the process. Also, they have probably seen a huge increase in students touring the school even before applying. Probably for the class of 2025 they will definitely have more parameters. Still, even with the wait, Alabama is a great choice. I do hope some of those disappointed with the current process will hang in until they receive a decision.
Our son, an engineering freshman at Bama, has enjoyed his classes. But is extremely impressed by the tutorial sessions offered by the math and engineering department. He went to a very competitive high school and tutorials were only one hour a few times a week.
The tutorials he attends are from 12-7 pm and there are both professors and TA’s always available to answer questions. Having a championship football program is great, but having a solid, supportive academic experience is so much better.


On the academics: My freshman kid is annoyed that he got a 75 on a recent essay in Blount … lol … he was used to coasting and he did NOT read the instructions carefully and let’s just say there was much anguish and gnashing of teeth. There is certainly rigor to be had there.

I meant to add in my post above that its ironic that UA is advertising its free app week while simultaneously moving away from the rolling admissions.


There’s many on here who degrade Bama. I get it. The selectivity historically has been lower. And it’s got that rep. And US News clearly doesn’t love it.

But for those who think it’s backwater, etc you are missing a lot.

They have great programs, a gorgeous campus and an administration that is extremely efficient.

They are buying in the best and brightest from all over.

Their kids are coming from a distance - over 1500 from Illinois, 1000 from Texas, CA, and Georgia. And more than 1500 from NY / NJ.

Some here will post negative articles. I can find ‘concerns’ at many schools not in the south too including Harvard in the last day.

It’s not for everyone but it’s a far more solid option than many seem to believe.

So to those who are choosing to attend, it is a solid option…one amongst many of course.


For sure they are not giving away “A’s”.


At some point I hope Alabama publishes a comprehensive list of the accomplishments of its graduates; and then buys a full page ad in US News and World Report.


I think you were being figurative, but I was surprised to learn that US New and World Report isn’t even a printed magazine anymore! The only thing they do now is online publishing of rankings for schools, hospitals, and a few other things.

Ok so! I see some clarity tonight. I was working late and just went back in to the portal and there is an entire new section describing the scholarship info. They have the releases for scholarships broken into three rounds. Two early notification rounds, and one later round. Only the UA competitive scholarship will be released in first two rounds it says. Early notification goes students with and without test scores. They have revamped their entire page here and changed a lot of info from last year. Just wish this info had been updated before opening applications so our kids had some clarity on the admissions process.

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Interesting. I will have S24 check his portal. He has been receiving emails to “apply now for supplemental scholarships” and received a snail mail letter with auto merit info, but he did not mention anything about the portal.

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He has to apply by Oct 15 to be in the first round. But if his merit is higher then he will only get the merit it looks like which is same from last year

I have not read through all your posts but because of automatic merit scholarships and the increasing number of students that are applying to Bama each year, they are taking longer to get back to TO applicants. Did your kid apply TO? I can understand why this might be a source of frustration. But for those that apply with scores, decisions come in less than 14 days.
Source: Son at Bama as freshman.

Not 100% true. There are many, many posts of those that have applied TO and have heard in days. No Rhyme or Reason as to what is going on there but it is not Rolling as UA claims.

Those that have kids applying to engineering, remember that honors engineering is another $2500 per year. EPIC scholars can compete for more supplemental money in the fall.

Also, this fall’s engineering specific job fair had 170 companies recruiting students.

The workload increases dramatically this time around. I sense your frustration. Hang in there. Might ping your local AO. Ours is beyond fabulous.

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Today I reached out to chat with my son’s admissions representative and got some additional info that I thought I’d share. The admissions rep said that this year, Admissions is going to take much longer with some applicants. “Much longer” was his direct quote. Sounds like they will admit the high-stat kids on a truly rolling basis. For the non high-stat (and I have no clue how they draw those lines), they’ll wait until they have a critical mass of applications to compare among the pool. My rep confirmed it could be March for this applicant population before a decision goes out. Which sounds a whole lot like EA or RD…… and NOT rolling admissions.

Take it for whatever it’s worth, but this is what I was told. I struggled with whether to post this as I don’t want to get my admissions rep in trouble for telling me what he did…. But I feel like families should know, as some of our kids are anxious about this process and checking the portal daily.

I told my son today that I think we need to mentally move on. He’s got some other (truly) rolling admission acceptances already and we should focus on visiting those schools. If Alabama comes through at some point, we’ll see where we are then. I want the process to be fun and exciting for him (not angsty) and the thought of possibly being strung along until late March is a non-starter in this family. I just won’t let this process and worry blow up his senior year and my last year of having him at home. We have other good options. Thanks Bama, but deuces and peace out. Time to put our eggs in another basket so to speak.


I agree with your sentiments 100%. My twins took the time to get their essays written, complete the CommonApp and make sure that their transcripts were sent to Bama immediately after they opened their admission portal. It really is poor for them to do this. My DD is in 4 AP classes, has a 3.8 and many, many EC’s and we have been put in the “wait and see if better candidates come first” bucket for 9 weeks now. This is like a slap in the face to them, they check everyday. Not Good!!


i know its disappointing, but please do know that schools all over the US change parameters after the school starts for the next year. We’ve been through this with 4 kids - and yes, weve had scholarship and admissions change. It’s too bad; but you have to agree, bama has become so well known that it’s sought after. At least they dont require test scores any more; that was one change that started because of covid. hope it all works out.

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