University of Alabama Fall '24 Admissions

I have to disagree with this statement. My daughter was TO and was notified acceptance in one week.


That’s great! Did she apply recently or early August? Typically, applications spike in Nov and Feb so the workload increases. Glad she has a decision though!

This has been true for a few cycles now. My kid applied with the stats for auto merit and did not have his essays considered or recommendations sent as they were not required. Decision was very quick. One thing to note though is that final scholarship consolidated scholarship letters are sent in late spring but the amount was as expected.
At least last cycle, must apply for honors even if you auto qualify. It was a little redundant because essays had to be written. Also, scholarship letters were sent 1 at a time. So, if you qualify for presidential based on SAT and GPA, you get that letter first. Then if you get the NM package or NRP, that comes later when status has been verified.


She applied first week in sept and got acceptance the second week in September.

S24 is going to put through his app tomorrow as part of the free app week. Just so that I understand, general honors is automatic based on stats but there are specific programs such as Blount that requires an application? He is high stats, economics major and will audition for a music minor or BA

There is an honors college application as well. It’s 1 or 2 essay questions, depending on whether he’s test optional or not.

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ok, great, looks amazing!

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Honors is “automatic” based on stats, yes, but you still have to apply. Something my kid found out literally the week that Honors Action signup was due (Honors Action is a pre-arrival camp the week before everyone gets to campus, highly recommend it, but you do have to apply and be accepted to the Honors College before you can sign up for it).

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Ok, great, so once he gets his admission he will apply for the honors college, it also looks like he needs to sign up to audition for the music major or minor, will do that for the spring.

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I’ve mentioned this on other threads so forgive me if it is repetitive, but keep in mind that some of the honors programs (definitely Randall and not sure about others) can see your general honors college application essay. So even if a student is an auto-admit for honors, they should make sure that essay is something they are proud of.


I would agree with this. If the goal is to just get into honors for class registration and dorm, then a couple of paragraphs will do but for most of the named scholar programs, there is quite a bit of competition.
My son is an EPIC scholar and has been accepted into freshman forum. For EPIC, over 300 students applied and they accepted about 10%. And mind you, these are all high stat engineering honors kids.

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BTW, the National Recognition Scholarship page has been scrubbed from UA’s website. Likely discontinued or being revamped.
Lots of speculation on subreddit r/capstone.

Right, I saw that also.
The speculation - with no information, mind you - is that because of the SCOTUS decision on affirmative action, schools might be refining such awards to avoid running afoul of the new reality (and avoid getting sued).

Does anyone know about music scholarships? Couldn’t find much on the music website, S24 will audition for either a music major or minor but wondering if there is any point in doing that soon to see if there is any additional scholarship.

D24 just got invited to interview for Blount, so it seems they are working through those applications as well. I think she pushed the button on it about a week ago.


My son really enjoys Blount! Good luck to her.

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Has anyone who has been waiting forever heard anything !??? Still waiting from AUG 1 application date.

We are past round 1 for submitting documents for OOS student scholarships and are in 2nd round.

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Have not heard since then either. Putting a very sour taste in our mouths! This is NOT rolling by any means and really sort of a slap in the face to those kids that work hard in school and took the time to apply early on!! AND this week is not free application week where they expect to receive thousands and thousands of applicants!!! NOT A GOOD LOOK!!!

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OK - rant of the day (bama parent here, this is NOT aimed at bama. we like the school!!) - i have always thought that the NR scholarships were great. However, Ive also been slightly annoyed at the the college board’s determination of rural schools. I grew up rural. I know what that means.

but some of the schools on the outskirts of our 1Million metro area were considered rural. they arent. . . . they live in the metro area! the standards for those NR scholarships are so much lower. . Not that i want it to change for the kids who really are rural; but i am curious to see what happens. (yes we live about 3 miles from a school that would be considered rural; and daughter would have had NR designation. :roll_eyes: ) i just am annoyed at college board’s parameters. (screenshot of our metro area. red circle is considered rural!)

***rant over!


did you include test scores?
honestly, bama is very very very stingy towards giving merit for those who dont.

it’s their choice, right? two top school offering great merit are AZ and Bama. arizona is auto merit for grades, bama is for test scores/grades. both colleges have that right to make those choices. EG: my kiddo had high test scores, ONE B in high school spanish, and AZ dropped him down to second tier merit. Bama valued both gpa and test scores . . . that’s where he ended up.

the “competitive merit” only started in bama because of covid. . . . and every year people on the bama parents FB page are disappointed with their kid merit if they did not submit test scores. But, bama is transparent in saying that they have no grid for it. It’s new; they havent figured it out completely.

for those wanting merit based solely on gpa, bama might not be the place. I’d look at miami of ohio, arizona and kansas first.