University of Alabama Scholarship?

Hi, does anyone know if we need teacher recommendation letters/counselor letters for the merit-based scholarships?
(Or for the school in general, do they require recommendation letters?)

I am not sure about the school in general, but you do not need recommendation letters for merit-based scholarships.

Recommendation letters are not required for either the automatic merit scholarships or admission to the school.

@beth’s mom, I thought we needed to fill out the separate scholarship application for the merit-based scholarships?

^^^No, you just need to fill out the scholarship application for any additional money your student may be eligible

Fill out the scholarship application! While it is not required for admission nor for merit-based scholarships, in the words of a famous billionaire, ‘what do you have to lose?’ :wink: The application is very simple (no long essays) and will only take you a few minutes.

Oh okay thank you so much everyone for your help!! :slight_smile: