What are the chances of me being accepted to the UofA?

<p>I’m currently a junior.</p>

<p>-2.7 GPA (1 AP class, 4 Honors)</p>

<p>-1210 SAT</p>

<p>-22 ACT</p>

<p>-150+ hours of community service</p>

<p>-tons of extracarricular activities</p>


<p>Out of State, California</p>

<p>You’ll probably get in no problem. I got in with 2.52 unweighted (no AP or honors), male, Asian, Washington, 1580/2400 SAT and a moderate amount of extracurriculars</p>

<p>Huynh823, what month did you apply?</p>

<p>your from oos cookie? 38.7k is alot to pay but u should get in. Does anyone know know if we turn in final transcripts, or we dont have to turn any more when were accepted?</p>

<p>I submitted my application on 01/31/10 (I think) and was accepted 03/11/10.</p>

<p>huynh did u submit ur fafsa? because i think you missed the priority deadline 0_0</p>

<p>Yeah. I missed the priority deadline. But I called the office of finanical aid and scholarships the other day and they told me that they just received more money to distribute to the students. They are redoing the financial aid and students that had previously received finanical aid are going to have theirs rescinded for a little bit. New financial aid information shouldn’t be available any later than the second week of May.</p>

<p>whoa really? does that mean my fa package might change? because i submitted mine like in february. and its cool to see more money coming in</p>

<p>tinytank32, I am from OOS.</p>

<p>Btw, Huynh did you have any teacher recommendations? and an essay?</p>

<p>Yeah I think that means your aid package may change. I also hope that this means I won’t be penalized for doing my FAFSA so late.</p>

<p>Most colleges don’t ask for any recommendations unless you’re appealing a rejection. UA didn’t ask for any. I can still view my application. </p>

<p>I’ll paste my essay here for you guys. I personally think it’s garbage…well the second paragraph anyway.</p>



<p>Edit: It’s pretty much a free-prompt so you can write about anything you like.</p>

<p>Oh wow that’s it?</p>

<p>I thought you had to write like a full 5 paragraph essay… lol</p>

<p>Huynh, I have another question.</p>

<p>About the FASFA thing, I know they give you the amount of aid you need based on your income.</p>

<p>My dad works but my mom doesn’t. Out of the two, who’s income do I write down?</p>

<p>Nah. Most schools have about a 600 character limit. Which is about how much I did.</p>

<p>FAFSA accounts for everyone in your family with an income. Your EFC is not determined based on any single employed person in your family. Your EFC will be determined by the total family income (among other factors). You’ll end up putting in your dad’s income and your mom’s income as 0.</p>

<p>Okay one last question.</p>

<p>When they look at you transcript, would they care if you got any D’s or F’s?</p>

<p>Or do they just care about the GPA?</p>

<p>Because in 10th grade I failed Pre Cal</p>

<p>I also got like 3 Ds but I made them up in summer school and got As</p>

<p>Eh. I have no idea what to tell you on that. As little as I worked in high school, I never failed a class. But I still think you should be fine :)</p>

<p>hmmm… well do you know if they check your grades? or just your GPA?</p>

<p>All schools will have you request your high school to send an official transcript…which will include your grades.</p>

<p>yea, 3 failed classes is quite alot 0_0 i guess all u can do is finish off your junior year strong</p>

<p>Tinytank32, thanks for the great confidence booster.</p>

<p>These confidence boosters only boost the confidence of those who haven’t applied and it does the opposite for those are are committed lol</p>