<p>So here's my delima (the extended version...): I want to major in equestrian sciences. My parents are pretty much against me going anywhere but the University of Arkansas (and here, I can only minor in EQS), they say I'm 'not mature enough' to be on my own in the next state up... .
Basically, since there's no weasling out of it, I want to know about the equine program here. I've been to the site, but it's so poorly set up I can't really understand how the program works.. I sent an email, but they STILL haven't answered back. :0(
If anyone knows anything about it, I would REALLY appreciate it if you would elaborate for me. ie, do you get an assigned horse to care for daily, how often do you get to ride, etc.... Can someone PLEASE help me?????
<p>Wow, crappy parents.</p>
<p>I thought so, too :0)</p>
<p>yeah...Tell them to let you live your own life.</p>
<p>I hate to not answer your question at all, but your parents really should let you spread your wings.</p>
<p>Don't worry about it; I wasn't really expecting anyone to know, but I thought I might try anyways. I would go to William Woods with or without their approval if I could, but I couldn't afford it without their help.</p>