University of California---> Considering religion studies as part of GPA calculation

My Daughter is studying in a private Catholic High school in San Jose and it is mandatory for them to have a religious study for at least 7 to 8 semesters. My question is, does the University of California take these religious study semester grades as part of their GPA calculation? How do they assess and compare the grades and GPA’s among other non-Catholic school students in admission decisions?

If the religious study courses are on the a-g course list, then the grades would be considered. Check the link below for course or HS to see if any are on the list. In general, the answer is no.;searchType=2;query=Religion

At a school like Bellarmine IIRC there are a number of religious classes that count as a g (elective). But it varies from school to school so check the site that Gumbymom posted.

Thx for the response. yes, they do part of the A-G list.

Based on your other threads/posts, your D has already applied so did she list the Religious study courses in the proper a-g course list or did she put them under non a-g courses? Based on the a-g course list, they are listed as a History/Social science college prep elective so it would go under section G so it would not be considered any differently than other College prep electives at non-Catholic schools by the UC’s.

and there are some religious studies classes that don’t count. Which will be the case for most parochial schools. So the short answer is “it depends.” In general, a course like World Religions will go under section G; a course like Paschal Mystery or any course with “Jesus Christ” in the title will not be part of a-g.

As @Gumbymom says, UCs will consider any course in section g the same as any other course in that section.


Except for the following courses, rest were among the list of UC A-G list. So we have mentioned the following 3 courses in the other Academic section as additional comments (section). By mentioning as—>

The Following courses were not listed in the course list shown in this application but on my school

9th grade:(She attended a different Catholic school in freshman year)
Intro to Catholicism (S1): A (Credits 5)
Hebrew Scripture (S2): A (Credits 5)
10th Grade:
The Church: Mission and Sacrament (S2): A (Credits 5).

Hope they will take these credits into consideration. We really don’t know how they treat these.

If they are not a-g courses listed on your HS course list, they will not be considered for UC/CS admissions.

Unfortunately there are lots of courses that don’t fall into the a-g list (or fortunately, depending on the grade that a student got). Specialty courses like Robotics are not on the list as well. Furthermore what counts as a weighted (Honors) non-AP course varies from school to school as well.