University of Chicago - divorced parents financial aid

The University of Chicago website states the following:

“We do not require additional information from students’ non-custodial parent. In cases where students’ parents are divorced or separated, provide financial information from the parent who has primary custody of or contributes more than 50% of the student’s financial support.”

In addition, the required forms for prospective students do not include a non-custodial profile. With those pieces of information, I would think that Chicago does NOT require any financial information from the non-custodial parent. Yet if you check the required forms for returning students (rising third and fourth year students in particular), a non-custodial profile is required. Can someone clarify this discrepancy? Does Chicago, as of 2017, only require the income of the custodial parent?


Chicago changed its financial aid policy to a fafsa only (with a small Chicago form) a couple of years ago. Perhaps those third and fourth year students are from before the change was made.

At this time, Chicago does not use the Profile. It also does not require non-custodial parent information.

The fafsa and a university of Chicago financial aid form are used to,determine awarding of institutional need based aid.

Thanks so much @thumper1 ! I hadn’t thought of it that way, where the PROFILE is being phased out by Chicago. I appreciate the help.