University of Delaware - Distinguished Scholar

My son got an invite tonight. Does anyone know how many students receive the DuPont?

Good luck to all! My OOS S19 was invited last year and received the Du Pont. He is a very happy Blue Hen!

They invite around 100 kids? Maybe 10 or so are offered the Du Pont? Remember everyone that attends will receive an increased offer of some sort.

My son received an e-mail invite this evening. The University of Delaware isnā€™t his top choice, but it seems like a great opportunity. I hope he will attend the scholarship weekend, so he can get a sense of the environment and opportunity. He is worried about the party reputation of the school. He wants a really rigorous intellectual environment - wondering if he can find it there through the Honors program. I know many schools have a party scene. I just worry about him finding his peopleā€¦

can you share your sonā€™s statistics, we are waiting to hear still

@mountainmomof3 my son is in a similar boat. On top of not being sure if itā€™s the right fit (but heā€™s willing to look at it again) the distinguished scholar overnight conflicts with an honors weekend at a school he already received a full tuition scholarship to that he really likesā€¦ We are trying to make both work, but not sure if we can. Heā€™d need to fly out on the 14th after the distinguished scholars weekend bc he needs to be in LA early in the morning on the 15th. If he didnā€™t have this conflict heā€™d definitely be going to the weekend. At the worst, itā€™s great interview practice. At the best, he loves the school and students and gets an increased scholarship. Very little downside. Sorry about typos - I am terrible at typing on my phone:).

OOPS - this was meant for @ruediww - sorry @mountainmomof3 ! And congrats to your son for receiving Du Pont and I am so happy he loves it at UDel!

@mountainmomof3 my son is in a similar boat. On top of not being sure if itā€™s the right fit (but heā€™s willing to look at it again) the distinguished scholar overnight conflicts with an honors weekend at a school he already received a full tuition scholarship to that he really likesā€¦ We are trying to make both work, but not sure if we can. Heā€™d need to fly out on the 14th after the distinguished scholars weekend bc he needs to be in LA early in the morning on the 15th. If he didnā€™t have this conflict heā€™d definitely be going to the weekend. At the worst, itā€™s great interview practice. At the best, he loves the school and students and gets an increased scholarship. Very little downside. Sorry about typos - I am terrible at typing on my phone:).

I posted in the general UD thread but probably should have posted here, if someone commits/committed already is it safe to assume they have no reason to offer Discho?

@rebejake - 36 ACT, 4.0/4.6 GPA, 12 AP classes (4ā€™s & 5ā€™s on exams), will have AP Capstone Degree (AP Seminar and AP Research), SAT math 2 800, chem 780. Good luck!

@ruediww I was a Distinguished Scholar a million years ago (first class of them) as a ChE. Even back then there was ā€œparty schoolā€ talk but there is no lack of intellectual rigor. I did undergraduate research, presented a paper at a conference, was published in a trade journal and graduated ā€œwith Distinctionā€ having presented my undergraduate thesis. And I still had fun lol. It is a great place in so many ways and Iā€™m hoping my son sees that during the scholars weekend!

Can anyone tell me who the email was from? Nothing here yet, but the stats are similar, so was hoping. Not the first choice, but with a Full ride would be hard to turn down. Already had an offer of a full ride, but UD is higher on the list.


Has anyone received an invite since Feb 4th?

Hi, I was invited to participate in the Distinguished Scholars Competition. (I received my email on February 4th as well). Would anyone be able to shed some light on what I, or other candidates, should be expecting? In terms of interviews/ attire? The program guide and schedule on my Blue Hen Home seem pretty vague and there doesnā€™t seem to be a lot of information anywhere on the competition. I didnā€™t know if this was intentional on UDā€™s part.

Thank you and good luck to those still waiting to hear!

My daughter was invited last year ā€“ we didnā€™t know anything about it until the invite came. She got a 1510 on her SATs, 4.25 GPA, AP/Honors, had a part-time since mid junior year, involved in school clubs. So if that sounds like your kid, then they were at least considered for an invite ā€“ something has to grab their attention. She knew people with better hard-stats than her who didnā€™t get invited. As far as what to wear ā€“ it was clear enough on the invite. Business casual it said ā€“ I forget. My kid bought ā€œniceā€ clothes to wear (like something a young professional would wear to a job interview). Over the weekend, thereā€™s time spent with students, time spent with professors ā€“ i think one on one but definitely in a group settings. Iā€™m not sure what they are looking for, but my guess is at that point itā€™s all personality ā€“ things like ambition, passion, confidence, etc. My daughter was offered the DuPont Scholarship and accepted it. UD was never her top choice, but her top choice would have cost about $40,000/yr. She was hesitant about the party school reputation and wanted something known for its academic rigor. Her first semester she said wasnā€™t difficult - a couple classes in particular were breezes. The woman I talked to last here said the hope/assumption was that of the 100 kids that attended, 35-38 would end up at UD. About 10-15 students each year are there with a DuPont scholarship. They know that these kids are standouts and many have multiple amazing offers ā€“ so they really roll out the red carpet this weekend. And when they get there these DSCO kids get opportunities that they wouldnā€™t get elsewhere as just a ā€˜normalā€™ kid. But it is a tradeoff ā€“ UD for free as DSCO or plain-old honors kid at say ā€¦ Georgetown. Itā€™s a tough decision but financially one will make more sense for sure. Good luck to kids attending the weekend ā€“ be yourself, be authentic, firm handshakes, talk about your passions, and listen. Thatā€™s my $0.02.

Thanks for much for sharing your thoughts. Is your daughter enjoying her experience overall at UD so far? Has she made friends that share her values and work ethic? Is she finding ways to be involved in the community outside of her classes?

Daughter was a DuPont Scholar and ChemE major who graduated last year.

Had great opportunities at UD and won a NSF Graduate Fellowship ā€” which she is using to pursue Bioengineering PhD at Penn.

She chose UD over Carnegie Mellonā€™s Engineering schoolā€¦even after we told her to not factor money into her decision.

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My S19 just finished his first semester as a DuPont. He came in with 66 credits and took some higher-level courses last fall. Although he hit the library a lot he also had plenty of time for his club sport and GF. He had a 4.0 for the fall.

He has engineering major friends at two other highly ranked engineering programs and the rigor at UD seems comparable. So we feel like he is being adequately challenged.

As a DiScho student, he has had plenty of opportunities already. He is about to start research with one of his professors and looks likely to continue that research this summer via the Summer Scholars program.

He seems to be on track to finish 4 years with both his BS and MS in MechEng and plans to also minor in Math and Physics.

My DS is an exceptional student but also considers work-life balance important. UD has provided this for him. He has had no regrets choosing UD over other higher-ranked options. He seems to love it there and spent most of the break wishing he had done winter session.

Best of luck to your students on DiScho weekend!

Two pieces of advice that Iā€™d offer people invited to DiScho weekendā€¦

  1. Your conduct is being observed the entire weekend. So don't think because you can't see or aren't interacting directly with an adult that you're not being evaluated. Don't do/say anything stupid. Be humble and do not partake in alcohol, even if it's offered.
  2. In terms of dress code, I would err on the side of more formal vs. casual. My daughter attended a private high school with a no-jeans, jacket-required for guys dress code, and pretty much kept to that for DiScho weekend. I would recommend at the very least "good church clothes"/something you'd wear to dinner with your grandparents at a restaurant that uses tablecloths ā€” if you have this sort of thing. I think they do tell you which events are "business attire".

Thank you!

Thank you! This is super helpful. Did your kids live in the honors dorms first year?

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