University of Delaware - Distinguished Scholar

She is enjoying it. I cautioned her that just because one semester was easy that they all would be. She took advantage of that and got involved in a bunch of things at school. She is not a big partier or drinker and was concerned she’d have trouble finding others like that but has had no such trouble. She has said that if you want to go out drinking constantly you’ll find people who want to as well. And if you don’t ever want to, you’ll find people who feel that way too.

She did live in the honors dorm I think every single freshman who lives on campus lives there.

I agree with the above comment about the weekend. You’re being an watched. Behave accordingly. They’ve tossed out people in prior years for drinking. I’m guessing very few attendees would even consider it.

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Hey all, just wondering how many interviews with faculty to expect during Discho weekend. Thanks!

Has anyone responded to this…

There was a final panel interview but students need to understand that truly every interaction is an “interview.” Every single student invited is an academic all-star. Be your true authentic self and look at every interaction as an opportunity to show them what you would bring to the UD community.

They have small group discussions (both formal and informal) and then the big panel interview is right before the weekend ends. A lot of the weekend is also touring, etc as UD is trying to sell themselves as well. It was a fun but tiring weekend for my son. My S19 left knowing UD was the place for him and luckily it worked in his favor. Good luck!

Sorry for the late reply:

  • My daughter did live in thehonors dorm her first year…I think it’s just a few floors of a bigger dorm.
  • I think there was just one formal "interview", as mountainmomof3 notes. It would not hurt to prepare (at least in your head) some key talking points to likely questions.

Hi, has anyone received another email from admissions with additional info/ scheduling? The current student that called me said that it was supposed to be sent out three days ago. I called back yesterday and she said that she would check about it but still nothing.

@Avalon18 Yes, an email came tonight around 6:00

Avalon18 - we got the email you were asking about this evening. Did you get it as well?

I’m surprised they aren’t reconsidering given growing concerns about the Coronavirus.

@Topcat123 @Likesominfo Thank you, the email did come in.

Does anyone think that because the weekend is cancelled, UD might schedule an open house for the dischos in the Spring?

Hello, I am a parent and a new member. Can anyone let me know the different scholarship amount that are awarded as a part of the Discho? I know the DuPont is a full ride.
Also praying for every one of the DiScho scholar that they get an amazing scholarship. All the best for Tuesday, Dischos

I received an email that my financial portal will be ready by next Tuesday, but I checked it anyway and I found out I got the DuPont fullride. But is it true? I am confused cuz they told me to check it on Tuesday. I tried to log out and refresh my portal and it still showed that I got the DuPont. What should I do? Pray?

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@voodootofu - your portal is probably correct! Congratulations! My S19 is a DuPont and he has had an amazing experience so far (pre COVID of course!)

@suburbian My daughter went to the weekend in 2018. Got the smallest award which at that time was $24K. It replaced and was not in addition to her 15K Trustees award.

Good luck to you or your student…

Thank you so much.

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@voodootofu Congratulations! My son’s financial aid portal page says his is temporarily unavailable until Tuesday evening. Is that what your portal said? How did you view your financial aid portal?

Yes, my portal also has the same notification, but I scrolled down to the “My Finances Award Notice” and clicked on it to see if there is anything. And to my surprise, I saw mine. That’s why I was confused at first.

@mountainmomof3 thank you!! What is the major of your S19?

@voodootofu - mechanical engineering :slight_smile: