University of Delaware - Distinguished Scholar

She had already been admitted to honors when she received the invitation.


We’re waiting too :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

Hi everyone! I got the invitation and I have never heard of this Distinguished Scholar Weekend before. I tried looking up stuff about it but there’s really not a lot on the internet about it. Could someone explain the gist of it, please? All I know right now is that you spend a weekend there and you have some interviews. How do you get chosen for specific scholarships? Is it based on your stats or entirely on that weekend alone? Any information would be helpful and appreciated!

Congratulations! This is quite an honor! It is mandatory to attend the competition weekend. There will be lots of interviews, campus tours and some fun events, too. Everyone in attendance will receive a higher scholarship (your original one will go away) and around 10 will receive a free ride (the DuPont Scholarship). The weekend is very heavily weighted in the decision process. My daughter is a current Distinguished Scholar so if you have any more questions please feel free to message me. I heard this year’s event is in person. Hers was virtual in 2020.

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Congratulations! My son was a Distinguished Scholar who graduated from UD last year. I believe you must attend the weekend to be offered additional scholarships. A handful of full scholarships are awarded but all who attend receive something. The weekend consisted of interviews, tour of the campus and an overnight stay for candidates at the Marriott on campus. My son found out after the event of the scholarship he was awarded. I think it was called the 1743 scholarship. Good luck!


Congratulations! That’s amazing! My understanding is that you will definitely receive an additional scholarship if you attend the weekend. Can I ask, did you receive your honors college acceptance prior to receiving the invitation? And did you submit test scores? We are still waiting on my daughter’s honors college acceptance. Thank you!

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Thank you, that helps a lot! I’ll definitely be attending. Just another question: Do you know whether you are given a program of where you must be at what time when you are there, or is it more of an open-house, “interview as much as you want” event? Congrats to your daughter by the way!

Thank you! Yes, I did receive my Honors College acceptance letter prior to the invite. Here’s a timeline in case it helps to get a sense of how long it might take:

10/18/2022 → Applied
10/25/2022 → Accepted
01/20/2023 → Accepted into Honors college
02/06/2023 → Distinguished Scholars Inv.

Also, yes, I did submit my test scores. Hope this helps!


There will definitely be an itinerary with set times for everything. Your interviews will be scheduled. Of course, my daughter’s was online in 2020 but even then, there was a set agenda. You don’t get to choose how much or how little to interview. Just keep in mind that even in social events, you are still under the microscope. You will have the opportunity to mingle with current Dischos but they will give feedback to the committee. The entire weekend is kind of one big interview. The social opportunities, while still sort of an unspoken interview, are great opportunities to ask the current Dischos questions about UD, sports, clubs, travel abroad, etc. They love to share information!

How did you receive the invite? Email, portal or letter? Thanks and congratulations!

I got my answer for anyone else who may be curious. All invites have gone out and they were sent via email.


Thanks for the update!

Can anyone answer the parent’s roll on Distinguished Scholar’s weekend? We live about an hour away, so my plan was to drop son on Friday & then go back Saturday for the general admitted students event. Do other parents stay over local?

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FWIW, for my daughter’s DiScho weekend years ago, she flew back early from a family vacation and we picked her up a few days later. We live about 2 hours from UD.

I don’t think parents have (or should have) any role over that weekend besides making sure you kid gets there on time and has at least one set of “nice” (the kind you’d wear to a restaurant that has white tablecloths
for a lunch with your grandmother) clothes to wear.

Thanks! My son actually attended the discho weekend Friday & Saturday. I was there for lunch/parent q&a Friday and then went back to get him Saturday. It went well.


Did not even know there was a Parent Q&A. Maybe that’s something they added. My daughter would have attended in 2015.

Best of luck. As I think I mentioned above, daughter ended up getting the duPont and attended as a Chem E major. Currently in PhD program at Penn.


My child attended last weekend’s Distinguished Scholar Weekend and felt like it went well. The scholarships are amazing, how many of each are awarded?
It was a beautiful campus and the academic programs seem like a good fit, just hoping the scholarships come through!


Everyone invited gets a bumped up scholarship. I think there are only around 10 DuPonts (full ride) and then various levels. I do have to say that my child has had so many opportunities at UD and I think being a Discho definitely helps.

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If a student declines one of the scholarships, is it passed on to the next student on the list? Just wondering what our odds are

I don’t think anyone not notified as a distinguished scholar gets more merit. UD knows not all of those offered DS will accept, same with other students, and have that built into the equation.

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