University of Delaware - Distinguished Scholar

2nd in rank

I think there is a very good chance!


It’s not only about the stats. My freshman is a DuPont Scholar (highest award). Her stats were high but not perfect. Her hook was her leadership/service. You have to have something that makes you stand out.

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My daughter’s friend, 2nd in their class, had nothing but grades and test scores. She signed up for xc and track every year, and never competed. Unless she completely made things up for her application, her EC’s were not there.

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Has anyone been invited to Distinguished Scholars if they applied test optional? Just curious

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My child is a junior Discho and was 1st in class, 1540 SAT, played a sport since age 6 and was a musician. However, she thinks she was invited because she comes from an underrepresented state at UD. I guess they like to have Dischos from all over the US and they also like diversity in majors.


We are from NJ so I guess not under represented.

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Thank you

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Has anyone been invited to distinguished scholars yet?

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I just accidentaly hit a saved bookmark from last year that popped up this post. lol
Invites occur, if I can remember correctly, in early to mid Feb.


Thank u so much! Were u a Discho

If it is any help 2 years ago the invites came out Feb. 12th. Competition was around March 15 and award notifications were out on March 24. My son was awarded the Dupont full ride but ended up choosing a different school.


What does the competition entail

That’s awesome, congrats!

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Well his year it was a virtual event. If I remember correctly he had to do a series of online events and then he had to be interviewed. It wasn’t too stressful. But again it was virtual.


My older son was a Distinguished Scholar. He just graduated from UD in 2022. His year, the event was held at the school. He received a little more scholarship money as a result of being a Distinguished Scholar. I think attending the event helped make UD stand out and was the reason he picked UD over some other great college choices.


My daughter is a current Distinguished Scholar and she has already told me the event will be in person this year. FYI it is mandatory to attend to be considered for the higher scholarships. Her invitation came on 2/4

Did the invitation arrive in her portal? If so, was there an email notification? Or snail mail?

Was she already admitted to the honors college or did it come with it

It came in an email. Both my daughter and I each received the email at the same time. I remember it was in the early evening.

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