University of Dreams

<p>Has anyone done this? I noticed on the website that there is a "tuition" of a few thousand dollars. Just to make sure, is this a program where you PAY to get an Internship??</p>

<p>I got accepted into the New York program, and YES you do have to pay to get an internship. However, if they don't get you an internship you are refunded. I just can't afford the $7000!</p>

<p>can you actually get internships with top banks?</p>

<p>yes you can. they have on their website UBS, Merrill Lynch and citigroup to name a few.</p>

<p>you will probably end up in operations (or maybe even worse, don't think they are going to put you in an actual division like Corpfin or m&a), and the internships are unpaid. instead of making money you will be down 7k at the end of the summer. I hear the experience is really fun, but financially it is probably one of the worst decisions you can make, plus you I doubt you really learn anything other than getting an ibank on your resume.</p>

<p>I'm aware of two students who each paid approx. $10,000 to secure his/her internship from University of Dreams. There are students who take internships for college credit which still cost tuition (but it's much less than $10,000) for the amount of credits being used for the internship, and there are other students who choose to take internships without taking the college credit. The University of Dreams sounds like it's geared for a student who would rather pay someone to find him/her an internship, when, in fact, the student could probably secure the internship on their own.</p>

<p>I was a past London participant, so in my biased opinion, it was a really valuable experience. It was incredible to spend a summer in London riding the tube, immersing myself in the culture, and making weekend trips to Paris, Bath. I miss it already… There were 150 students from all different universities there with me (so it made for a diverse and fun group of people). Plus, I feel my international internship experience will give me an advantage when I graduate. </p>

<p>In my opinion, they over-delivered on even my expectations (which were really high due to the price). The staff in the program are helpful, as they show you the city, but they are young and fun, so they don’t act like babysitters to you. The internship selection was pretty easy as well, and the companies were legit. I had a guy with a british accent helping me choose between a couple of the companies that wanted me to work for them. There were so many weekend/day trips included in the tuition, that made for incredible stories for my friends back home. </p>

<p>I would do the London program again in a heartbeat… Or maybe I would go to Sydney next time?</p>