University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

remember what they say about stats… this was their first pass at acceptances for FSU. they accepted the best applicants which is a mirror of who UF accepted… now that UF is out, a huge percentage of those kids that FSU accepted will never step foot on FSU campus… so they will now accept all those students they deferred, much lower stats… you’ll never see those stats get added to the final total to reflect that acceptance number… however when the common data set gets updated for the actual kids that attend both FSU and UF, the stats between the 2 will not be close… who a school accepts doest mean much, its who attends which is the defining factor… FSU is a very very good school don’t get me wrong, but the stats are a little deceiving…


The Gap is closing every year
Faster on the 25th percentile side
UF will stay a Top 5 Public and FSU has a goal of top 10 they are where UF was a few years back, top 20 now. It will take a few more years


Thank you! Will they be releasing a blog post with all the statistics?

Hi was it Pace, innovation, summer b, or fall? Curious I know kids with same stats last year and got fall. Seems like this year is so much harder. Did the class of 2025 get lucky bc of Covid?

I wouldn’t really worry about honors, I know so many kids who drop it because socially they feel isolated. It doesn’t really matter long term. At the end of the day if they work hard and have the grades they will get the jobs.

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@Silver77 umich is cruel!!! They just string you along. At least with UF it’s yes or no.


@bfastudy my D got “postponed” at UMich, then into UF and then one week later into Umich in one of the second waves. She did the LOCI and sent additional letters of rec, but I did reserve a dorm at UF and put in the deposit just in case.

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UF is still a regional school. Just be careful when looking for a job outside the SE.


@UMich23Mom no not odd, UF’s first and second year biz classes have been online even before Covid. That’s one of the reasons, along with others that my D wanted Mich.

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Congratulations to your daughter! LSA? Are you from Michigan? How were you able to submit additional letters of recommendation?

Thanks…. I know that the ratings are moving up pretty quickly for the school but my question has always been are the employers starting to be drawn here like other top schools and are the starting salaries going up to be more comparable with other highly ranked schools.


Same here. We called. Sounds like because we were changed from applicant to admitted student so now we need to wait until next week when it’s all updated . That’s the problem with a late Friday decision. Nobody in tech office over weekend

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No matter how long they’ve been doing it, I think it is odd. And not a selling point.


Do online class sizes count in the class size rankings in US News or only ones in person?

Did you see her son’s stats? She has every right to feel slighted, to put it mildly. She is seeing and hearing many students with much lower stats gaining acceptance. It is well known that many in the country see the path that the Florida schools took to gain in ranking as being less than “respectable,” as she alluded to. And she feels her son is paying the price. I can understand her feelings. But, I hope the original poster keeps in mind that as she pointed out, the higher ranking does not equate to a better quality of education, so hopefully he can embrace landing at a school with the quality of education he has earned. However, being in state, I imagine it will be difficult to find such a low-cost comparable option, which makes this decision hurt even more. I really feel for her, as well as others in her boat. @ibnervous

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Wow, thanks for answering. I never would’ve guessed. Very interesting and important to know when deciding. Thank you

Yes, I saw the stats. While disappointing, it’s not unheard of to be honest.

When 50,000 kids apply and about 14,000 are accepted then many will be qualified for sure but yet still denied admission.

I’m not saying this to be mean. It’s facts. There are too many qualified kids for too few spots. Looking at the stats of the student coming from a “top prep school” is what caught my eye the most; UF isn’t going to accept all top kids from a select prep school. So you have to hope your peers who do NOT plan on attending UF don’t apply. I would think that is where her son’s app got discarded in the process. I could obviously be wrong.

The top private school near me has many apply to UF. Many have great stats. And interesting EC’s in addition to lengthy and successful sports resumes. Kids have 12 APs or more. And I won’t tell you how many have started their own fundraising or charity work. It’s well known and expected.

Competitive kids and not just with high GPA and scores are in abundance. They know they have to have stats plus community work, fundraising, and sports and interesting EC’s.

UF has oodles of very well qualified kids to choose from so I very much have viewed UF as not a safety for anyone and view acceptances and denials accordingly.

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I figured it out! I got an email this morning inviting me to create a GatorLink ID, which I then used to log-in to the housing website that is linked in the application portal. I clicked the Apply Now tab instead of the button shown, and I was able to fill out the $25 application :slight_smile:

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Also The essay is rated Very Important by UF. The test score is important…meaning ‘stats’ are not necessarily the deciding factor. WeLL part if stats arE GPA but the test score has less importance than the essay so looking at GPA and test score like most of us like to do is probably less relevant at UF. And while everyone thinks their essay is great, it’s truly in the eye of the beholder.

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What specifically have the Florida schools done that is less than respectable?