University of Florida Class 2026 Admissions

Thank you @Melissa96 It is hard to believe indeed. I didn’t mention it but she also took 10 AP classes, some like AP Calculus BC as a Junior, we are out of state in a very competitive school district. I myself have a hard time trying to cheer her up when I see some of the stats posted being not as strong. If we decide to go the appeal route, what is the process to follow? Thank you again for your kind words.

There is a process to appeal.

Your daughter is an amazing student! :star_struck:
She’ll do great wherever she lands.

Thank you!

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How was her essay? I know for a fact, UF cares a LOT ABOUT the essay.

Because I remember some people said that UF ranks the essay as “very important” compared to only “important” for GPA.

Also, I’m not really a religious person. That being said, I believe all happens for a reason. Maybe your daughter is bound somewhere greater:) With a repertoire that is that padded, she is no doubt in for a lot of success in the future.

According to the common data set, the SAT/ACT is less important than the essay. But the GPA is very important - as is the essay.

But the Common Data Set also says state of residence is considered even though the myths website says it’s not and Melissa (the AO on here) earlier said they don’t look at residency at all when admitting.

So I’m not sure that the Common Data Set can truly be trusted.

UF and Umich are great schools, both of them. Don’t try to pull down UF in comparison to Umich.

Both of them probably also have world-class professors doing world-class research. It really depends on what you prefer, but refrain from saying that one school isn’t another “no matter what the rankings say.”


You can make those statements about many colleges in the country!!

But rankings sell magazines and often allow for higher tuition.

Rankings are great data metrics, I love rankings too. However, the real big brain question is whether UF or Umich has the better dining hall food.

Did anyone get advice on that? Haha, but seriously if I am going to a college for four years, I really want the food to be decent:)

Really just want tasty healthy food. No fancy burgers or pizza, just plenty of veggies, healthy meat, and carbs like rice and such.

How do I down vote this obnoxious post?


The rankings say UF is 5 and Michigan is 3…??? If you want to quibble that 2 spots in rankings with some inherent bias is not equal, ok…
let me restate my point….even though UF has recently moved to within 2 spots of UMich, it’s not UMich no matter what the rankings say…

Both are great schools

Use the emoji button lol

No ranking says Florida = Michigan. You can’t produce one that says so. Yet, you keep ranting and raving about nonexistant rankings that say Florida = Michigan. You keep making some of the more bizarre and intellectually incoherent posts I’ve ever seen on this message board. I hope they make you feel better.


Both great schools my focus was on letting the rankings get in my head, not really the schools.
I really regret my choice of words😂. Apologies to everyone I have offended. Possibly I should not have a glass of wine while commenting.


I don’t think I am qualified to say how good was her essay :slight_smile: It is probably not the strongest. Yes, we want to believe so, but still hard to process, kids work hard and it is hard for us as parents to see their disappointment. Thank you!

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I know you’ve probably heard this story already, but I was rejected from my first choice school way back when I was applying. I was so devastated that, as my parents not-so-fondly recall, Thanksgiving was ruined. I ended up going to a school that was perfect for me. I wouldn’t trade my college experience for anything, and I can’t tell you how many times I have thanked my first choice for the rejection. Your daughter’s stats are so impressive and she has obviously worked hard (which makes it so much harder to see rejections - we were there ourselves with my kid’s ED school). But it WILL work out for her. No doubt about it. She will end up somewhere great.


All kidding aside, all of us with kids in school have had to deal with kids who say the food is bad or gross. So kids SHOULD look at dining. Per Niche Michigan is an A and Florida is a B. Dorms at Michigan earn a B+ vs B- at Florida.

I’ve heard nothing but raves about UMASS and Va Tech. If I was young again that would be a high consideration in my search.

So sure someone may go to a top tier school but if you can’t eat well or your dorm has black mold etc what’s the point ?

My son turned down Purdue engineering with merit for a school not even in the same stratosphere…Alabama… bcuz of the dorm. It’s modern and he got his own room at Bama and Purdue was over enrolling and he had no shot at a good setup.

Hated the food at Bama which he raved about from his week at Purdue the previous summer.

I know you were kidding but to many, looking beyond pedigree to the day to day living actually is very important. Pedigree doesn’t help if you are miserable.


I think you are missing her point
UMich 53% Pre Med get in to Med School 10% above national average.
We all agree UMich Great School Hard admit.
So 47% of Pre Med don’t make it.

So If one of the 47% rejected chose a less prestigious school where they could stand out Lets say Michigan State and get Honors or Lyman Briggs College and crush it. would there outcome of been better.

Thank you so much. However, I love UF. Can anyone chime in on actually how the UF food is though, like with specifics:) lmao I really want to know and the Youtube videos aren’t very good for this IMO

I couldn’t agree more about down voting this entire obnoxious thread! This is not a med school thread and believe me I also have a Spartan…no one cares about Michigan here. We are trying to figure things out about UF!