University of Maryland College Park (UMD) Early Action for Fall 2023

Yes I am aware of that. I was curious which major is popular in UMD Comp sci Vs Comp Engineering? Which one will be easier to transfer to from Eng to Comp sci or Comp Sci to Engineering?

To be accurate: Rutgers does not admit by major. Students select their major in sophomore year after meeting qualifying requirements. Not really different from L&S to CS.


A UMD employee posted on the Facebook parents page that they will post the registration info for Admitted Student Days later this week, but they are March 10, March 31, and April 10. Dates will be posted here:


UMD does not provide that info. However, if the CS internal transfer process was problematic. I expect that it would be posted all over this forum.

You can also check this forum to see what actual students say


Rutgers doesn’t confirm comp sci major. You need to apply for it later.

I really don’t know. I don’t think the transfer process is difficult in either direction. The real question is - which gateway courses are the more difficult ones and I don’t know that answer. As for popularity
 who knows.

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Maybe if there are new grades or other accomplishments to report with support of the high school? Have not heard of anyone requesting, but nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The leadership of the Honors College program has turned over since my kid entered in 2015, and a couple more have been added.

After first year, can apply to join


My impression is both CS and Comp. Engineering are Limited Enrollment, so to compare, may consider reaching out to CMNS CS office, and Clark Engineering. Some kids admitted as freshmen to CS or Comp Eng end up changing out as well.

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My Dd has met a lot of UMD comp sci students at her APL internship and it doesn’t seem hard to transfer if you have the gateway classes. She’s in a program that has a CS focus and she said that the college interns have told her there are a lot of people that transfer back and forth from her degree to pure CS or do a double major. My daughter likes CS but doesn’t want to do pure CS- she wants to use it as a tool to do other things hence immersive media with the CS focus rather than the arts focus.


The reality is students that are in these LEP programs also have to pass these same exact gateway classes to continue in their degree path. These gateway classes aren’t some extra requirement. Some students initially accepted to an LEP program don’t end up passing these classes and end up pivoting to other majors.

If students want to be admitted it’s a clear pathway that is the same pathway necessary for those accepted directly into the LEP. In the end they all have to pass these same classes.


I think the GPA requirements are different
2.7 to enter LEP
2.0 to stay in LEP

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It is very annoying. My Terp is graduating one semester early in December 2023. He will be doing the plus one and will finish his MS in accounting in December 2024. He graduated High School in 2020 so I feel bad he will miss all of his graduations.


The requirements are different for these gateway classes but the reality would seem to be that if a student is struggling with these basic courses they probably aren’t ready for the much more advanced courses that follow. UMD gives a pathway but in the end the students need to prove themselves.


Yes agree on that. I was just pointing the differences.


Sure we would look into these options once my daughter makes up her mind!

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I agree with you, that it is important to know the LEP requires transfers from Letter and Sciences to have a 2.7.
Some LEPs only allow one attempt at a Gateway requirement, too. Details will matter.

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Could you provide the link to the Facebook group? If that isn’t allowed on this forum, then could tell me the name of it?

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Couldn’t figure out how to copy the link, but here is the name of the group and its cover image.

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Thank you! This is the group I hoped to find–one run by parents and NOT by the oddly named “humansofuniversity” or whatever that company is called.