University of Maryland College Park (UMD) Early Action for Fall 2023

Also FYI: there will be GroupMe and Discord chats set up for admitted students to connect with each other. The Discord, especially, is typically how students find roommates.
It’s helpful for your admitted student to join these groups even if they aren’t ready to commit just yet.

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Where will we find information on the discord and group me? dd found the IG page of admitted students.

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I believe the discord links are posted on the Instagram account. If your student is already on discord I think they may be able to search for it as well.

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We are not familiar with Discord. If anyone could please post the discord link to the UMD students page(?), I would appreciate it


I am trying to join the group but can’t figure out how to add the requested screenshot of enrollment…suggestions?

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Thanks for informing. How to join Discord?

The link to the UMD class of 2027 discord server will be posted on Instagram at some point. Might be a few weeks from now.

I think you are possibly trying to get into an already enrolled parent group. The one I posted above is for parents of prospective students and should not have a proof of enrollment requirement.

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Child admitted to CS LEP + honors. My friend says her child got honors and LEP and also received a full tuition merit scholarship with the admission letter.

Is it possible a child already has their scholarship award from UMD? I thought merit and financial aid don’t come until February/March.

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I know its early but has Maryland published their data for this admission cycle. How many applications they received and what was the admission rate? Thanks!

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Not yet, since RD decisions have not yet been announced. However, in an email to parents of EA accepted students, they said over 53,000 applications were received.


Just stopping in to share my experience with Freshman Connection. My daughter was disappointed when she got the spring admit, but she really wanted UMD, so she did FC. She absolutely loved it, and in hindsight says it was so much better than fall start. The advisors were terrific, the classes were smaller, and she slept in every day. She lived in a dorm–Denton Hall–with a roommate that she picked from an online group. Her roommate was a fall admit, so not FC, and their alternating schedules worked out great because they each had some alone time in the room while the other was in class. She was OOS, and most of her OOS friends were also in FC. She had the best 4 years at UMD, and being part of FC was totally seamless. I share this because I know some students are hesitant at first, but if you really want UMD, do not let that deter you. FC is a great program that is fully integrated and almost indiscernible from being a fall admit. Having gone through the college process a few times recently (UMD Class of 2020, also a current college freshman, and a current high school senior), I see a lot of alternate pathways, summer starts, etc. UMD’s spring admit/FC is the best of them, in my opinion. Congrats to the admits!


Interesting. That’s a little less than last year’s 55k EA applications.

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I’m not sure if that’s the total or just EA.

Must be EA. That’s the number they quote in the email to parents of admitted EA students.
They get very few RD apps, less than 2k usually. Not a surprise since they fill an incredible 95% of their freshman class through EA.


Thanks for that info!!


UMD will probably publish the information next October, when they know exactly how many students have enrolled, and shown up.


I have been on this forum since July 2013. My D got here Decision in 2014. In 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019. 2020, 2021,and 2022, I have never seen anyone post that they received any merit scholarship in their Decision Letter.


The only Full Tuition Scholarship (actually Full-Ride) is the B/K and those notices have not yet gone out and the actual awards not not made until after the B/K Interviews.


Thank you for posting this! I’ll be sharing your comment with my daughter, who is a bit disappointed to have Spring admission (despite our reassurances that FC is a great program!)