University of Maryland College Park (UMD) Early Action for Fall 2023

I believe UMD has a website for doing that, but I’m not sure. My D went with a random roommate assigned by Reslife. They became best friends and still get together on a regular basis.

Hopefully @Kombucha22 can provide a better answer

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My understanding is FLEXUS is a living learning program, and generally the llps assign roommates.

In meantime, can seek to meet others, check with FLEXUS for suggestions. Attend FLEXUS orientation in June.

FIRE is not a llp. Cannot be in FLEXUS and FIRE. (Unless one is invited to the llp BioFIRE. But a student is in just one llp.)

In general, UMD Roommate Finder process- kids need to request each other by a deadline in June.
“Roommate requests are due during this month, as well as the priority deadline for disability and medical accommodation requests.”

Reslife announces housing in mid July.

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In addition to the roommate finder, have your daughter join the discord chat for new admits. Lots of kids find roommates though discord (or Instagram).

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Excellent point about discord or Instagram, i don’t know how to vet those. There are new sites each year, it seems.


Since she wants to transfer from comp engineering to comp Sci she thinks She may not stay in Flexus.

In past years, the College Park Scholars llp allowed self nomination, I recommend it bc my Terp in Information Science had good experience. Has CS kids, too, and plenty of other STEM majors.
It may open up next week, check with them, the website might be slow to be updated.

Thank you!

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That’s wonderful! Congrats on having access to those programs / communities.

Did your student download the app to sign up for housing yet? If so, I wonder if there is a way to find fellow students that way?

Another idea: I’m not 100% sure, yet I think there is an app or board where students can find each other and decide if they want to put each other down as a potential roommate.

And I saw others already recommended discord, etc.

I’m sorry I can’t be of more help. My student has not yet filled out their roommate preference info.

How can my daughter become part of a good LLP?
So far she gotten to FLEXUs but we were told their dorm is too far from CS class rooms.
Since she didn’t get into honors she has no access to lot of their honor specific LLPs?
Appreciate your input.

We will keep looking for that :frowning: So where should I check for invitations for scholars link? I am assuming it is a LLP.

I just checked looks like the dead line was March 15th.


My kid is not in honors.

And congrats on your kid getting into UMD, which is no easy feat!

No, non-honors won’t have access to honors LLPs.

How do you define a “good” LLP? Are some “bad”?

Honors at any college is marketing to get kids to come. At a state school, it’s also about trying to keep high achievers in the state. What matters more is working hard to get departmental honors. Any kid can strive for that.

The list of LLP is here:

My 23 is in a LLP that will be far from some classes. We are not bothered. She’ll like the exercise.

There are shuttles, too. :smile:

I can understand you have these worries and the perceived prestige of this or that grouping is alluring. In the end, that won’t matter to your child’s success. It matters if they develop good relationships, learn, network, and seek opportunity.


The incoming class can be in both FIRE and Flexus.

That is great news. Was not case in past years. Thank you.

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You make all valid points. It looked like most of the programs in UMD are very hard to get in to from my conversation with the students.

So far the only thing we heard back is FLRXUS not from FIRE.
Looks like these are trade offs, of choosing large flagship universities over private.
Since she went to a large public HS I hope she will be able to work and hope she will be successful.


However, sometimes you get both the large university and the special elite program. Your daughter got both at Penn State. Why she isn’t choosing Schreyer has me scratching my head.

It was a difficult decision but my DD has decided to commit somewhere else. We took her to MAryland Day this Sat to help with the decision. She loves UMD but still decided to commit somewhere else since she wants to double major and the 2nd major just isn’t available at UMD. Good luck to all.

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D23 committed to UMD.


I know. UMD is closer and she likes the location better.

She paid the deposit for Reslife and she said since she got into FLEXUS their dorm is far away from CS-Iribe. Anyway to get a closer dorm?

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