University of Maryland College Park (UMD) Early Action for Fall 2023

If she wants to be in FLEXUS, she’ll need to be in that dorm. There may be closer dorms to Iribe but is it worth giving up FLEXUS? There are frequent shuttles between different areas of campus.

We don’t know much, that’s why I am trying to gather information.

Any other LLP she can apply which is closer to Iribe?

Most of the good LLPs are for honors invitees only. So Don’t know if there is anything else she can apply which is closer to Iribe.

I don’t know. You could contact ResLife and ask. Remember that she’ll be taking courses in other buildings than Iribe, especially in her freshman year. FLEXUS offers excellent support for women in engineering fields.


Congratulations!! Welcome to Terp Nation!

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Thank you. We are glad the decision is made!
Now she will have to figure out how to use their resources. I hope not being invited to honors is not going to compromise her education.
Since she has 46 credits she most likely will be able to register early to classes so that leaves losing good housing. She loved the location of honor housing which her friends from HS live in. See it is so difficult to predict who gets honors who doesn’t. One of her school friend who had lower GPA and other academic stuff got in to Honors and the other genius CS kid who who worked for a top company in his high school senior year, who also completed bachelors in 2 yrs didn’t!

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My son committed to UMD as out of state student going into L&S with the intention of transferring into CS. Thank you for all the information shared in this group. It has been a great help.

I have a question about new student orientation and course selection. Does the course selection (with the advisor) part of new student orientation? Or my son will have to take a separate appointment (hopefully online) afterwords for course selection? The reason I am asking is the current year AP results will be available after July 5th. My son is taking a few AP exams and would like to apply the credits (assuming he scores 4 or 5 in AP) toward UMD courses. Is it better to schedule the new student orientation after AP results are announced? Thank you for the advice.

Course selection and registration takes place during Orientation. Having AP scores prior to your Orientation date will be beneficial.

Congratulations and Welcome to Terp Nation!

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What did your son decide?

He did not choose UMD (sigh) but chose a smaller OOS university. I understand that it’s a better fit for his personality. The UMD engineering program is superior but I think he was intimidated by it (he applied test optional, scores would have been a bit low for UMD engineering). Before he decided, he was accepted to Virtus, which seemed great and might have helped him get support and find his people, but I think we learned of it too late in his decision process. Good luck to all the new Terps (from another, MA '01)!


Good luck, thanks for sharing! Glad he had a choice and found the right fit!!


This may be of interest to some New Terps


Is paying 385 for new orientation worth it? I can’t believe.:slightly_frowning_face:

I assume this is for the 2 day orientation? That amount includes 3 dining hall meals for the student, 1 for the parents, a light breakfast for both the student and parents on day 1 and an evening reception for the parents. Many other schools charge a similar amount for orientation.


It’s like airlines charging us separately for the seat! I am running out of words to express my emotions about this college process.

Most schools have some sort of fee. Some for orientation (especially since there is a two day option involving spending a night and meals). Others have a non-refundable SIR fee. None of this is free. You pay one way or another. If you get grants or financial aid, it’s worth inquiring whether orientation can be covered. I bet it can since it’s mandatory. Another option is to do it virtually.

Yea. Not getting anything! I want my D to do whatever is needed. But seriously it is unbelievable.
I used to wonder why my ex coworker’s very bright son attended a Community college. Now I get it.:slightly_frowning_face:
This bright kid did well, got a job in software and doing well.

The cost of higher education is ridiculous. However, it is not limited to UMD. It’s everywhere.


What is an SIR fee?